How to Renew or Reinstate a Teachers License in West Virginia

Renewal of Teaching Certification

After 3 years of service, holders of initial teaching licenses have to apply for renewal. License renewal allows teachers to show their PD and continue to do what they love.

The initial step to renewal is to complete Form 4, which requires much of the info required in the initial teacher application.

In West Virginia, teachers applying for renewal have to complete 6 hours of coursework to demonstrate professional improvement. There are 6 options for obtaining these hours:

  • Finalize 6 credit hours of coursework toward a master’s degree in a program related to the public school (college recommendation required)
  • Finalize 6 credit hours of coursework related to the improvement of instructions and your current endorsement area
  • Finalize 6 credit hours of coursework needed for additional endorsement (college recommendation required)
  • Finalize 6 credit hours of coursework prescribed by the county as a result of an evaluation
  • Finalize a master’s degree plus 30 hours Salary Classification or more excellent
  • Be Age 60 or greater.

To convert your 3-year license to a 5-year Professional Teacher license, you have to also complete Form 4, as well as additional conditions.

Converting a license requires 3-year license holders to complete a beginning educator internship, complete 6 credit hours of coursework, and finish two years of teaching, one of which is in West Virginia.

After 5-year licenses expire, teachers have the option of applying for a Permanent Teaching License if they meet specific conditions.

Candidates have to:

  • Possess a 5-year Professional Teaching License
  • Possess a master’s degree related to a public school program
  • Have finished 5 years of teaching, two of which are within the content area

Candidates who have obtained their National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) licensure are also eligible for a permanent license. Additionally, teachers who have 5-year Professional Teacher Licenses renewed twice are also eligible for permanent licenses.

Teaching Certification Reinstatement

In WV, there is no reinstatement process, and lapsed licenses have to be renewed. Applicants need not apply for new licenses.