How to Save Your GPA at the Last Minute in 4 Simple Steps

It’s the end of the semester and it turns out that your grades aren’t as high as you would like them. It may feel like things are hopeless, but there are a few ways you can raise your grades at the last minute. If you are determined and can work hard for the last run of the grading period, a higher grade is definitely within your grasp. The following tips will help you find out where to start and what to focus on. Keep reading for everything you’ll need to save that GPA, even when it feels like all is lost.

  1.     Don’t Give Up

It might feel like there’s nothing you can do about a low grade. However, it’s important to know that there is always something you can do. Even if you aren’t able to raise your grade this time, you shouldn’t feel like you messed up. There’s always next year to get better grades.  

  1.     Get Rid of Zeroes

If you are missing assignments, even minor ones, this will bring your grade down a lot. One of the best things you can do is look at your grades and see if there are any zeroes for missing assignments. If there are, talk to your teacher or professor to find out if there’s anything you can do to make up the grade. Offering to accept even partial credit on the assignment is better than not doing it at all. Even a 50 or a 25 is better than a zero.

Note: if you are offering to make up an assignment that you didn’t complete on time, do your best work, even if you’re only promised a maximum grade of 50. If you turn in lazy work, your teacher will see that you didn’t put much effort into it. Teachers are less likely to give grade-based mercy if you don’t try.  

  1.     Ace the Final

With final exams coming at the very end of the semester or term, they are the assignments that could make or break your final grade. It’s a good idea to calculate what you must make on the exam to pass the class as a whole. Once you know that score, study well for the exam and make sure you understand all the concepts. Attend any last-minute tutorials or form a study group to make sure you’re doing everything possible to prepare for the test.

  1.     Don’t Let it Happen Again

The stress of having to make up a poor grade at the last minute is just not worth it. Now that you’ve experienced how tough it can be, it’s time to make a plan to not let it happen again. Here are some simple tips to keep your grade up all semester:

  •       Study all semester long – don’t wait until the final exam to learn the info!
  •       Study groups – get one going in the beginning and have a trustworthy group to learn with.
  •       Talk to your professor – stay in touch with them throughout the semester. They’ll only be able to help you if they know who you are and what you might struggle with.
  •       Keep track of your grades – you should know all semester what your grades look like and what you can expect for your GPA. You don’t want any surprises here!

Concluding Thoughts

Getting your grade up at the last minute is no easy feat. It will take a bit of hard work and motivation on your part, but it is entirely possible. By following the above tips, you’ll be able to raise that grade and make sure your GPA stays where it should. And remember, if you aren’t able to save the grade, you’ll be better prepared to pass next time.

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