How to Use Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety: 10 Exercises

If you’re suffering from anxiety, mindfulness therapy may be the answer you’ve been searching for. Mindfulness is a meditation that focuses on paying attention to your present thoughts and feelings rather than ruminating on past experiences or worrying about future events.

Mindfulness techniques can be used to manage anxiety in several ways. One way is to practice focusing on your breath and counting each inhales and exhale. This will help to center yourself and decrease your anxiety. Another way is to practice mindfulness in your daily life. This means being aware of your thoughts and feelings and not letting them control your actions.

To start practicing mindfulness, find a comfortable place to sit or stand. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, then let go of any negative thoughts or feelings that come to mind. When you’re ready, focus on your breath and count each inhales and exhale. When you reach 10, start thinking about anything else you want; when you reach 2, focus on your breath again.

10 exercises to use mindfulness therapy for anxiety:

Exercise 1: Start with a relaxed posture: When you first begin practicing mindfulness, it is important to start with a relaxed posture. Sitting or lying down with your eyes closed will help to create a sense of detachment from the present.

Exercise 2: Observe your breath: When focusing on your breath, it is important to focus on each breath as it comes in and goes out. Try to focus on your inhale and exhale, and don’t get wrapped up in the thoughts that come with breathing.

Exercise 3: Bring your attention to your body: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to focus on your body. Notice what it feels like to have your hands in your lap, your feet on the floor, and your back straight.

Exercise 4: Focus on your emotions: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to focus on your emotions. Notice what you are feeling right now and how that emotion impacts your body.

Exercise 5: Observe your thoughts: When focusing on your thoughts, it is important to be aware of the thoughts coming into your head. Try not to get wrapped up in any thought; observe the thoughts as they come and go.

Exercise 6: Take a few minutes to Reflect: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to take a few minutes to reflect on your practice. What did you learn today? What were some things that were challenging for you? Why?

Exercise 7: Observe your surroundings: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to focus on your surroundings. Notice what is around you and how that environment influences your emotions.

Exercise 8: Bring your attention to your body and your breathing: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to repeat your exercises for some time. Focus on your breathing and your body for a few minutes each day.

Exercise 9: Take time for yourself: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to take time for yourself. What can you do to relax and rejuvenate yourself?

Exercise 10: Share your practice with a friend or family member: When practicing mindfulness, it is important to share your practice with a friend or family member. What can they do to help you focus and relax?