Keys to Passing English 101 in College

Colleges across the country make introductory courses such as English 101 compulsory. The course helps to polish skills such as argumentation, analysis, and communication using written language. Doing well in English 101 is not only necessary for academic purposes but also in real life. 

How Difficult is English 101 

Many students who have had difficulties with previous writing courses will find college English 101 challenging. Teachers of English 101 assign difficult texts which the students should study to analyze and discuss. For students who see themselves as bad writers, this is a nightmare.

However, the benefits of the English 101 class are numerous. Many have the erroneous belief that college English 101 classes operate just like high school English classes. 

Study Guide for English 101

Handling the academic demands of college life can be daunting if you are enrolled in five classes. Here are some tips that should help you easily pass English 101.

Essential Writing Skills

  • Be concise: When writing, try to communicate your ideas using fewer words. More often than not, students use filler words to meet the minimum requirements of assignments.
  •  Be clear: Make sure you clearly explain your thoughts. Communicate your ideas logically and plainly. Learn to use tools like topic sentences when beginning a paragraph so that the reader can follow what you are saying.
  • Stay organized: Every paragraph of an essay ought to explore an idea, an element you are analyzing, or a new concept. Make sure each idea logically flows to the next.
  • Write meaningfully: avoid phrases and sentences that don’t carry meaning. Stick to the specifics and do not make generic observations.
  • Killer introductions: Always begin with an introduction that gives relevant and specific information.


Although English 101 classes do not focus on grammar, knowing the basics will give your writing a professional tone. Some concepts you should remember the Oxford comma, punctuations, and quotations in addition to contractions and subjunctive moods.

Creating an Academic Essay 

Academic writing has its unique style and formal tone. This means you are not allowed to use slang, contractions, and first-person views. Don’t sound conversational in an academic write-up. Also, make sure your essay has a defined thesis statement. Make sure everything you say in your essay should support the thesis statement.

Thoughtfully Use Sources

Many assignments in English 101 college assignments need you to use sources. Ensure you use reliable sources to back up your claims. Using external sources will tell your audience that you are a great researcher.

Note that not all sources carry the same weight when dealing with academic research. Do not use politically biased sources. Also, ensure you write the right referencing format for this.

Response to Feedback

Upon submitting your essay, the instructor will grade it and give you feedback. Pay close attention to feedback because this is key to getting the best grades in other assignments. 

Concluding Thoughts

Passing College English 101 shouldn’t be too difficult if you follow the right steps. Take care of the grammar, use the proper writing skills, cite sources, and have a positive disposition to feedback.