LEGO®, Writing and Winter Weather


LEGO®, writing, and winter weather may seem like an unusual combination at first glance, but they can come together to create a unique cross-curricular lesson for first-grade students. By integrating these elements, teachers can engage children in the intertwined world of science, literacy, and creativity.

Lesson Objectives:

1.Develop the students’ understanding of winter weather and its characteristics.

2.Strengthen writing and storytelling skills through creative prompts.

3.Enhance motor skills and spatial awareness through LEGO® building activities.

Materials Needed:

– LEGO® blocks

– Pictures or books about winter weather

– Journals or worksheets for writing prompts

– Whiteboard or chart paper

Lesson Flow:

Step 1: Introducing Winter Weather Concepts

Begin by discussing various aspects of winter weather. Show pictures and read short passages from books about snow, ice, and cold temperatures. Ask students to share their personal experiences with winter weather to build interest and excitement.

Step 2: Creative Writing Prompt

Next, present students with a creative writing prompt related to winter weather. Encourage them to imagine a snowy landscape filled with LEGO® structures they built themselves. They could consider questions such as:

– What would their creations look like in this wintry world?

– How would they adapt their designs to suit the icy environment?

In their journals or worksheets, students will write short stories or descriptions based on the given prompt.

Step 3: LEGO® Building Activity

Now it’s time to bring the students’ wintry scenes to life using LEGO® blocks. Divide them into groups or pairs and provide each group with a selection of LEGO® blocks.

Ask the groups to collaborate on constructing a model inspired by their written pieces within a given time frame. While working together, they will develop cooperation and communication skills in addition to reinforcing motor and spatial abilities.

Step 4: Show and Tell

Once the building activity is complete, bring the class together for a show-and-tell session. Each group will present their LEGO® model to the class, explaining their inspiration and outlining their design choices while referencing their written work.

Step 5: Reflection

To wrap up the lesson, students will reflect on what they learned about winter weather, as well as their experience with writing and building LEGO® models. They can share how these elements integrated to create a unique learning experience, highlighting any challenges they faced during construction and storytelling.


A cross-curricular lesson featuring LEGO®, writing, and winter weather offers first-grade students an engaging opportunity to develop essential skills in science, literacy, and creativity. By merging these elements into a single lesson, teachers can help children explore new ideas while fostering a lifelong love for learning.