Paint with Bubbles + 20 More Cool Bubble Activities to Try

Paint with Bubbles is a fun and creative activity that kids will love. Not only does it allow them to explore their artistic abilities, but it also adds an exciting element with the use of bubbles. In this article, you will discover how to create beautiful bubble paint art and also find 20 more cool bubble activities to try.

To paint with bubbles, you will need a few basic materials. First, gather some liquid tempera or washable paint in various colors. You will also need dish soap and water. Mix the paint with a small amount of dish soap in a container. The dish soap helps to create bubbles when the paint is blown.

Next, provide your child with a straw or bubble wand and show them how to blow into the mixture using either tool. As they blow, colorful bubbles will form on top of the paint. Encourage your child to gently place a sheet of paper over the bubbles to create a bubble print. The colorful patterns and textures created by the bubbles will make unique and beautiful artwork.Now, let’s explore more bubble activities that you can try with your kids:

  1. Bubble Wrap Stomp: Lay out a sheet of bubble wrap and let your little ones stomp on it to create popping sounds and sensations.
  2. Bubble Snakes: Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle and attach an old sock to the opening with a rubber band. Dip the sock in bubble solution and blow into the bottle to create long bubble snakes.
  3. Bubble Binoculars: Decorate two empty toilet paper rolls and connect them with a string. Dip one end of the binoculars in bubble solution and blow through the other end to create bubbles.
  4. Hula Hoop Bubbles: Dip a hula hoop in bubble solution and let your child stand inside it. Encourage them to wiggle the hoop to make giant bubbles.
  5. Bubble Science: Create a bubble solution by mixing water, dish soap, and glycerin. Explore the science behind bubbles by experimenting with different bubble wands and solutions.
  6. Bubble Art: Dip a bubble wand in bubble solution, blow bubbles onto a sheet of paper, and capture the bubbles by pressing another sheet of paper on top. Voila! Bubble art!
  7. Bubble Tower: Stack plastic cups or bottles to build a tower. Blow bubbles inside the tower and watch as they rise up, creating a floating bubble tower.
  8. Bubble Catch: Use a bubble wand to create bubbles in the air. Challenge your child to catch as many bubbles as they can without them popping.
  9. Bubble Freeze: Blow bubbles on a freezing day and watch as they freeze in mid-air, creating delicate frozen bubble orbs.
  10. Bubble Fountain: Fill a shallow container with bubble solution and place a straw or bubble wand in the center. Blow through the straw or wand to create a bubbly fountain.
  11. Bubble Balloon Tennis: Blow up a balloon and dip it in bubble solution. Use tennis rackets or fly swatters to hit the balloon back and forth, creating a fun game of bubble tennis.
  12. Bubble Olympics: Set up various bubble activities and create a bubble Olympics with your kids. Have contests to see who can blow the biggest bubble, who can create the most bubble art, and more.
  13. Bubble Music: Dip different objects, such as a spoon or a straw, in bubble solution and blow to create different musical sounds.
  14. Bubble Bath Fun: Add bubble solution to your child’s bathwater and let them explore the joys of playing with bubbles while getting clean.
  15. Bubble Volcano: Create a volcanic eruption with a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap. The eruption will be accompanied by a bubbly explosion.
  16. Bubble Jump: Set up a plastic sheet on the ground and pour bubble solution over it. Let your child jump on the sheet to create a playful mess of bubbles.
  17. Bubble Shapes: Use pipe cleaners to create different shapes, such as circles, squares, and triangles. Dip the shapes in bubble solution and blow bubbles through them to create bubble-shaped art.
  18. Bubble Chandelier: Hang different lengths of fishing line from a hula hoop. Dip the lines in bubble solution and let the wind blow to create a stunning bubble chandelier.
  19. Bubble Fort: Use hula hoops and sheets to create a fort. Blow bubbles inside the fort and enjoy a cozy bubble-filled hideout.
  20. Bubble Popping Contest: Challenge your family and friends to a bubble-popping contest. Blow bubbles and see who can pop the most bubbles the fastest.

With these 20 cool bubble activities, you and your kids will have endless fun and explore the fascinating world of bubbles. Whether you’re creating bubble art, playing bubble games, or experimenting with bubble science, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. So go ahead, grab some bubble solution, and let the bubble adventures begin!