Performance-Based Assessment

Performance-based assessment (PBA) refers to a type of assessment that focuses on the results of a student’s academic work rather than on the student’s individual abilities or efforts. The goal of PBA is to identify and reward students whose achievements are most likely to lead to success in college or their future careers.

PBA is a growing trend in K-12 education, and it is also being used in higher education. There are a number of reasons why PBA is becoming more popular. First, PBA is more consistent with how students are evaluated in the real world. Second, PBA can help students improve their performance and motivation. Finally, PBA can help educators identify and address students’ strengths and weaknesses.

There are different types of PBA. The most common type of PBA is performance-based grading. Performance-based grading means that the grading scale is based on the results of the student’s academic work, not on the student’s individual abilities or efforts. For example, in a performance-based grading system, a “C” on a test might mean that the student has done average work, and an “A” on the test might mean that the student has performed above-average work.

There are also performance-based assessment tools available online. These tools allow educators to measure the performance of students in a variety of ways, including how well the students understand the material, how well they answer questions, and how well they solve problems.

PBA is growing in popularity because it is more consistent with how students are evaluated in the real world.

PBA can help students improve their performance and motivation.

PBA can help educators identify and address student strengths and weaknesses.