Resources on Mindfulness in Education

There is growing recognition of the importance of mindfulness in education, and there are many resources available to help educators incorporate mindfulness into their classrooms. One of the most popular mindfulness resources is the Mindfulness in Education (MIE) course, which was developed by the Mindfulness in Schools Network. MIE is a 10-week online course that covers a variety of topics related to mindfulness in education, from teaching students how to be mindful in their classrooms to create a mindful culture in schools. The course also includes modules on how to use mindfulness in assessment and promoting student wellness.

Another popular mindfulness resource for educators is the Mindfulness for Teachers course, which was developed by the Mindfulness in Schools Network in collaboration with the Harvard Mental Health Initiative for Education. The course is a 12-week online course that covers a variety of topics related to mindfulness in education such as teaching students how to be mindful in their classrooms to create a mindful culture in schools. The course also includes modules on how to use mindfulness in assessment and promoting student wellness.

There are also a number of books available that can help educators incorporate mindfulness into their classrooms. One of the most popular books on mindfulness for educators is The Mindful Leader: Using Mindfulness and Leadership to Create Resilience, Satisfaction, and Success by Tara Brach. The book discusses how to use mindfulness and leadership to create a thriving classroom, and it includes exercises and activities that educators can use to implement mindfulness in their classrooms.

Another book that is popular in the mindfulness for education community is Mindfulness for Schools: A Comprehensive Guide to Raising Mindful Children in a Hyperconnected World by Dr. Laura Markham. The book discusses how to use mindfulness in the classroom to help children stay calm and focused, manage stress, and learn better in a digital age.

Finally, one of the best ways to learn more about mindfulness and how to incorporate it into the classroom is to attend a mindfulness workshop. There are several mindfulness workshops available that explore different aspects of mindfulness in education, from teaching students how to be mindful in their classrooms to creating a mindful culture in schools. These workshops are often run by experts in the field, and they can be great for learning more about mindfulness and how to implement it in the classroom.