Pass or Fail: Multiple Assessments to Determine True Learning

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? When it comes to getting rid of our current pass-fail system, I have developed six strategies (click to see them all). Developing a system with varied assessments is …

Pass or Fail: How Did We Get to This Assessment Place?

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? When it comes to assessing what students have learned, there is a mixed review from educators. A few view the current way we assess students as on point, …

Pass or Fail: Multiple Assessments to Determine True Learning

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? Student assessment is a necessary evil of the teaching profession but what is actually most effective? Ankur Singh, formerly a student at the University of Missouri–Columbia, took an …

Pass or Fail: Why High-Stakes Tests for Retention Decisions Fails

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? As an education community, do we put too much stock in standardized testing? In other words – are we unfairly retaining students based on a testing system that …

Pass or Fail: Test-Based Retention Practices and Education Standards

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? Is testing an accurate portrayal of what students actually know and does it help them progress from one level of mastery to the next? Today, retention occurs primarily …

Pass or Fail: Alternative Assessment Measures

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? If we know that students who are retained based on assessment scores continue to perform poorly in school, statistically speaking, then what can we do to turn the …

Pass or Fail: When Assessments are Used for Retention – The Fallout

pass or fail

In this multi-part series, I provide a dissection of the phenomenon of retention and social promotion. Also, I describe the many different methods that would improve student instruction in classrooms and eliminate the need for retention and social promotion if combined effectively. While reading this series, periodically ask yourself this question: Why are educators, parents and the American public complicit in a practice that does demonstrable harm to children and the competitive future of the country? Retaining a student due to low assessment scores doesn’t help much, if at all. When tests are used to make retention decisions, retained students are likely to receive …

Accountability: Just One Piece of the School Reform Puzzle

School reform can no longer rely mostly on inputs—that is, giving schools more resources and more support. In order for schools to really help the students on hand, the past must play a role and so must the individual needs of the school. Do standards and accountability work? Time has shown that inputs have no real impact on student performance. Federal edicts, such as NCLB, have enforced protocols based on standards, testing, and accountability. Standards emphasize performance objectives and require high levels of accountability from educators. Required reform and accountability, particularly those which impose sanctions similar to those imposed by …