7 Ways to Develop Grit in Your Kids

“Grit” has recently become a popular buzzword in parenting and education. It’s defined by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” According to Duckworth, grit is a better indicator of future success than IQ or talent. It’s a combination of determination, focus, passion, and resilience. It’s the ability to persevere in the face of challenges and failure. If you want to help your child develop the all-important tool of grit, here are seven ways to do it. Be a positive role model. Children are often mirrors of their parents, so model “grittiness” for your …

Does My Child Need Preschool? The Answer is Yes

So your little one has officially leaped from toddlerhood to childhood. The transition between the two may not seem drastic, but there are some important decisions to be made once they reach this age. Of all the decisions you will have to make now, perhaps the most important decision is if and when you decide to enroll your child in preschool. There are conflicting views between parents on whether or not it is necessary to send your little ones to preschool, but let me show you four reasons why you absolutely should. Preschool Aids in Kindergarten Readiness Whether it looks …

Six Ways to Establish Good Homework Habits

When returning to school after summer break, many students are excited to see their friends and return to the routine of school. Although, many students and parents alike dread the idea of homework again. The topic can haunt parents as the stacks of flashcards and worksheets start to come out of backpacks. Many families deal with frustrations and tears from homework time, and the jury is still out on whether or not homework has a positive or negative effect on students. Many families have arguments about homework, and some students struggle tremendously to complete their homework. It can be a …

Activities to Boost Fine Motor Development: Birth to Five

Fine motor skills are described as small movements attributed to use of the hands. Children under five are especially in need of exercises in building fine motor skills as it prepares them for writing and the everyday actions we partake in as adults. So what activities can you do with your young child to help them develop their fine motor skills? I am glad you asked. In this article, I will list the many ways that you can use play to help your child develop fine motor skills. Newborns With newborns their bodies are not ready to develop fine motor …

How to Manage the Terrible Twos

Child rearing is a long and involved process. From birth, we’re called to feed and care for babies who are essentially helpless. At the time they start walking and talking, they begin to form opinions and explore boundaries. These early stages of learning are the toddler years, also known as the terrible twos. And with a little preparation, however, you can handle the ups and downs that come with this exciting age range. Study: Understanding the cognitive development of a two-year-old certainly helps in raising them. There are plenty of early childhood resources that share age appropriate behavior for toddlers …

What to Expect: Age 2

This year your older baby will transform into a toddler. They will go from being dependent on you to demanding independence. This year your child will have much slower growth physically compared to the previous year however their mind will grow exponentially. Their play will begin to evolve into imaginative play, and they may become enthusiastic at the presence of other children. Your child will begin to observe you and other adults in their life, mimicking your habits and actions. They may pretend to text or talk on a phone. They may repeat words they hear in conversation or mimic …

The Lasting Impact of the Early Childhood Years

The early years of a child’s life are the most important as they lay the foundation for the remainder of their life. As a young child grows and matures, it is the interactions they have with the adults in their life that dictate their mental growth. Being fed, cuddled, warm and safe have a tremendous impact on the child’s future success and happiness. Positive interactions help form the stepping stones for the brain which allows for greater intelligence and a healthy mind. Negative interactions (i.e. neglect) however can harm the development of the brain as well as emotionally scar a …

7 Amazing Learning Activities for Toddlers

social promotion in schools

When we think of toddlers, many thoughts come to mind. Runny noses, messy hair, picky eating are just some of the traits we relate to this curious age group. Cognitively, there’s so much more than what meets the eye. Fine and gross motor skills are being acquired, and an overall sense of the world and the relationships within it are being developed. So how do we support the amazing evolution of the toddler? Here are 7 great activities to help your toddler learn: Sand table play– Sand play strengthens sensory development and basic science and math skills through scooping, pouring …