Virtual Schools: Where Are We Headed?

Ever since they first came on the scene during the twentieth century, virtual schools have taken the nation and the world by storm. Policy makers and reformers have pointed out their potential for lower cost and personalized learning. Students are enamored of the convenience and quick gratification. A few years ago, many were predicting that bricks-and-mortar universities as we know them might even become obsolete. Is that really happening? Are virtual schools really as great as they seem? What are the benefits? And what are the obstacles to a successful virtual school experience now in the 21st century? There are …

8 Must-Have Holiday Apps for Kids

No parent wants their child to fall behind as the weather gets colder and school days get shorter. Once winter break rolls around, children want only to spend hours playing in the snow, watching television, and forgetting about the math and reading fundamentals they’ve spent the past few months mastering. So how do we help kids retain information this holiday season while allowing them hours of fun and much-anticipated screen time? Check out these eight holiday-themed apps. They’re fun, interactive, educational, and perfect for kids who love the holiday season. Plume’s School — Saving Christmas: If you’ve got a smart …

Artificial Intelligence: Are Computers Taking Over for Teachers?

If you’re an educator, you’ve probably noticed that the profession has undergone significant change in the last few years. With the growth of the flipped classroom model and the plethora of resources available via apps and websites, teachers are no longer considered the experts. They are moving into the role of facilitator, “guide on the side” instead of “sage on the stage.” In this context, some are beginning to wonder whether the expertise of face-to-face teachers is on its way to becoming obsolete in our schools. Are we headed to a brave new world in which teachers are replaced by …

10 Ways to Use Google in Your Classroom

If all you’ve ever used Google for is email and web searches, there’s a whole world in which you’re missing out. That world is the Google Suite, consisting of a cloud computing compendium that puts all of your instructional tools in one easily accessed location. So what can you do with Google in your classroom? As it turns out, Google offers a lot. Check out the list of ten ways use Google in the classroom:  Collaborate with the teachers on your team, in your building and across the district by sharing folders in Google Drive. Differentiate instruction by creating folders …

Consider These Six Digital Resources for Your Classroom

By Francy Mitchell @TechFMitchell Technology will continue to change how educators teach and how students learn information.  While there are many digital resources that can help educators prepare students for the challenges ahead, it is up to educators to help students acquire the mindset and skills necessary to succeed in our complex world. The challenge for educators becomes how and where to implement digital resources in classrooms to promote engaged, effective student learning.  One of the easiest ways to integrate a digital resource is to find places in a lesson plan where a concept or content can be reinforced. Educators …

What Are the Benefits of Learning Analytics?

Learning analytics are web-based measurements and reporting about student learning that is intended to help teachers improve the knowledge and skill acquisition of their students. This maximizes student learning potential while enhancing teaching and delivery methods. Though its application to education is relatively new, scientific disciplines have been using it for over forty years. Expansion into scholarship was birthed by advanced technology, and the data trails learners leave while using the internet. The data provides several benefits to aid educators and students. In this piece, we will discuss those benefits. Curriculum Mapping and Competency Determination In curriculum mapping, we identify …

8 Must-Have Elementary School Apps and Tools

Introducing elementary students to technology can be a great way to bring some fun into the classroom. With the right apps and tools, educational technology can help elementary students learn basic skills or practice math and reading. These are our 8 must-have elementary school apps and tools. Flocabulary Flocabulary is a fun vocabulary program for grades K-12. It’s especially useful in elementary classrooms. The hip-hop style songs help kids learn new vocabulary words, and the app has plenty of games and activities to reinforce what students learn. There are also printable activities and worksheets for teachers. PopGeo USA Geography This …

The 5 Steps to Implementing an App in the Classroom

Using a new app in the classroom is fun and exciting, but it can also be tricky. Finding the right app, making sure it works and setting it up can all take up time and frustrate teachers. Make implementing new apps in the classroom easier by following these five simple steps.  Step 1: Finding the right app Choosing the right app can make implementing a new app much easier. First, think about why you really need this app. Too many teachers use apps simply for the sake of using more technology in the classroom. Instead, look for apps that add …

Is EdTech the Future of Parental Engagement?

As educators, we talk a lot about the role that teachers play in the lives of students and debate the best ways to strengthen the classroom experience for students from all backgrounds. There is only so much a teacher can do, though, particularly with large class sizes and limited resources. Even teachers in the best of circumstances are limited when it comes to hours in the day and the amount of material that must be covered. As K-12 academic standards become more rigorous, parents are becoming an even more integral piece of a student’s success. Asking parents to pick up …

4 EdTech Trends You Should Be Paying Attention To

Every year, there are new trends in EdTech. It can be hard to keep up with all the new and exciting things happening in the world of EdTech. As soon as you’ve caught on to one hot topic, it seems to become old news. But for all the trends that die out quickly, there are some that stick. After all, EdTech is a quickly developing field. Brilliant new ideas come around all the time and make a lasting impact. These are four of the EdTech trends we think you should be paying attention to: Virtual Reality Virtual reality is taking …