Ed Tech Companies That I Really Love: Part III

Read the entire series of Ed Tech companies that I love here. By Matthew Lynch This is the third installment in my series on ed tech companies that I really love. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on these ed tech companies and the wonderful work that they are doing. EduSkills EduSkills offers ELL data portfolio software (AccountabELL) that helps educators better manage the often fragmented school system data for ELLs. By streamlining the management side of ELL initiatives and documentation, the AcountabELL system makes it possible for all educational stakeholders to make informed decisions about ELL instruction and progress. …

Ed Tech Companies That I Really Love: Part II

Read the entire series of Ed Tech companies that I love here. By Matthew Lynch Educational technology is a billion dollar industry, and I have been blogging about it for over a decade. Today, I will continue my series on ed tech companies that I really love. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on these ed tech companies and the wonderful work that they are doing. Mathbreakers Mathbreakers, is a virtual math playground that starts with topics as basic as counting and advances through complicated subjects like Calculus. Instead of handing students worksheet-style problems through digital means, Mathbreakers uses action …

Ed Tech Companies That I Really Love: Part I

Read the entire series of Ed Tech companies that I love here. By Matthew Lynch I have been blogging about education reform and innovation since 2010, and over that time span I have spotlighted a lot of ed tech companies and organizations. While reflecting on this, I came up with the idea to write a series on ed tech companies that I really love and believe in. Without further ado, let’s begin with part I. Class Charts ClassCharts uses data rich information to present teachers with the key data that they need to make informed seating decisions and to tackle …