How male teachers can help to challenge gender roles in nursery school education

This article was written by Jo Warin Recent figures show that there is still a large gender gap in recruitment to the teaching profession – only 38% of secondary school teachers are male, and 26% in primaries. In preschools – or nursery – it’s even worse. Here, men make up just 2% of the workforce. This gender divide can be found all across the globe, and not just in the UK. We even see it in Scandinavian countries which have made gender equality a national priority. In Norway, for example, there has been an ambitious target set to try and have …

Boys, Girls and K-12 Classroom Gender Bias

By Matthew Lynch If you think back to your own days as a student in the classroom, you may be able to recall particular times when you noticed a difference in the way boys and girls were treated by the teacher. Whatever your own gender, you may have felt like you were punished more harshly, expected to do more, or even completely ignored as a result. Different treatment of the genders in K-12 classrooms is certainly not something that teachers do purposely but the subtle ways that girls and boys are treated differently has an academic impact later on. Research …