New Teacher Tip: Handling Challenging Behavior Problems

Every class has its share of challenging students. If you feel frustrated with the behavior issues that you have to handle, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone—handling behavior issues comes with the job description. Experienced teachers also have trouble managing talkative students, power struggles and disputes among students. Behavior Management: A Whole-School Approach, a book authored by behavior management expert Bill Rogers, delineates how to handle tough behaviors. Typical classroom behaviors and strategies for handling them are detailed below. Talking in Class The nonstop talking of a chatterbox can distract other students from concentrating on their …

New Teacher Tip: Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination works as a virus that slowly engulfs you. It can have devastating effects on your growth and career. Putting off any task that you have to accomplish is a habit that can actually make you lose a lot of time. When you put off a task, you are leaving something incomplete. The feeling that you have not successfully completed something can nag you subconsciously. This can become a feeling that does not allow you to concentrate completely on the task at hand. While this phenomenon may not be obvious, procrastination does lead to bad time management as well. As …

New Teacher Tip: Be a Superstar Teacher from Day One

Facing new students is challenging for the experienced teacher, let alone the new one who is just beginning their teaching career. So feel confident about your newly embellished classroom, review the “first day at school” checklist, take a deep breath, and tell yourself that all will be well. Get ready to make a great impression on your new students. Here are some tips that can help you be a star teacher from the very first day and win all your students over. 1. Establish the ground rules—Once you have introduced yourself, communicate the basic rules for behavior, policies, interactions and …

New Teacher Tip: Time Management – Organizing your Cabinet

There is so much paperwork that a teacher needs to do within a few weeks of starting a new school year. In fact, your cabinets may look as if though they have been hit by a tornado. Your cabinets are most likely overflowing with folders, teaching materials, handmade cards from students, wads of paper, pencils and other stationery, all of which seem to be appearing on their own. Remember that the bigger the mess, the more time it will take you to rummage through and find what you are looking for, which may cause you to lose precious minutes. Use …

New Teacher Tip: The Teacher Evaluation Process

Each school system has a process for measuring and evaluating their teachers. In most districts, all teachers are evaluated by an administrator and provided feedback at least once annually. New teachers, however, typically have more than one evaluation. This section will give you an overview of what to expect before, during, and after an evaluation, as well as how to prepare for each. Prior to an evaluation Before an evaluation, most administrators will schedule a time with you, and some of those administrators will even let you choose the class that you know will be the most likely to shine …

New Teacher Tip: Getting Ready for the First Day of Class

Okay, so now you have decided on the layout of your classroom and feel that you are ready for the new a new batch of students. Not really! There are many other things that you need to prepare before you can feel comfortable about welcoming your new students. Use the checklist below as a guide to make sure you have taken care of all the aspects of classroom preparation that need to be addressed prior to the first day of school. Teacher Supplies Being an organized teacher will make your life a whole lot easier; trust me. If you have …

New Teacher Tip: Arranging Your Classroom

As the new school year begins, most students look forward to joining their new class. The set up and layout of the classroom will determine the ease with which the children can move around the classroom. It is also important to consider your teaching style while you are arranging the classroom. Here are things you should to consider when deciding the layout of the classroom. 1. Teacher’s desk. In the traditional setting, this is one item that is generally kept in the far corner of the room or toward one wall in order to avoid the teacher’s desk being in …

New Teacher Tip: Handling Teacher Fatigue

The weeks before the December holiday season are fun-filled times for everyone. It seems that each and every person is having a blast shopping, buying gifts, wrapping them and putting them in nice packages—everyone that is, except teachers. You may feel that you are stuck between grades, report cards, gifts and organizing the holiday party too. Don’t fret! Remind yourself of how much you have accomplished over the last several months, and that the holidays are just around the corner. Typical stress points for teachers around this time of the year and strategies for handling them are discussed below. 1. …

New Teacher Tip: Creating an Effective Behavior Management System

No matter your philosophy of education or your educational beliefs, one thing holds true for all classrooms – a behavior management system should be implemented consistently from day one. A behavior management system might include, at a minimum, a set of rules, a set of consequences, and a set of rewards. Below are some tips for creating and implementing your behavior management system. Rules 1. Choose no more than five or six of the most important rules. If students have too many rules, they will not remember any of them, and therefore, will not follow any of them! 2. Keep …