Stop Racism in the Classroom with These 2 Must-Have Tools

Despite legislative changes that have made schools accessible to everyone, the mindsets of individuals who attend or work in schools have been slower to adapt and change.  Racism, often thought to be eradicated from K-12 classrooms, is still alive and well, even in the most progressive districts. What can teachers do to erase racism once and for all? I’ve got two useful resources for you—one for teaching younger students and one for assisting older students. For young students: One effective way to address racism when talking to elementary school students is to follow the curriculum of the Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools …

#MichaelBrown is probably sitting in your classroom

**The Edvocate is pleased to publish guest posts as way to fuel important conversations surrounding P-20 education in America. The opinions contained within guest posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Edvocate or Dr. Matthew Lynch.** By Lisa Mims So will #trayvonmartin, #renishamcbride, and so many other unarmed  African Americans who have been murdered. Most of our students have probably been exposed to what has taken place in Ferguson. The shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black male by a police officer. Some may be experiencing a number of emotions, anger, …

Tools for Eliminating Racism in the Classroom

By Matthew Lynch Despite legislative changes that have made schools accessible to everyone, the mindsets of individuals who attend or work in schools have been slower to adapt and change.  Racism, often thought to be eradicated from K-12 classrooms, is still alive and well, even in the most progressive districts. What can teachers do to erase racism once and for all? For young students One effective way to address racism when talking to elementary students is to follow the curriculum of the Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children that was developed by the National Association for the Education of …