How Should Colleges Be Teaching?

For many students, graduating from high school means heading off in short order to a residential four-year college or university to pursue higher education, a college degree, and – eventually – a career that will allow them to be a self-sustaining, productive member of society.  But as technology continues to reshape the landscape of education, many are beginning to wonder if the traditional brick-and-mortar colleges are the best way to serve the needs of the students.  The question becomes: how should colleges teach?  And how can they best serve the needs of all their prospective clients?  Is a physical college …

5 Industries that Artificial Intelligence Will Disrupt

Can artificial intelligence disrupt certain industries? The answer, in short, is yes, but first, let’s take a look at what artificial intelligence is, and how it changes the world as we know it. Artificial intelligence is the development and ability of computer programs to complete tasks normally performed by people, such as speech recognition, language translation, visual perception, and even decision making. Artificial intelligence has the power to eliminate some jobs that are now being completed by people, but according to Connie Chan, artificial intelligence will also create jobs. Here are some industries that are being affected and or will …

5 Ways to Create a School of the Future

The fast-paced advances in technology, as well as the changes that we are experiencing in education, will create an entirely new vision for how schools in the future will appear and function. What is the future of education? What is a “school of the future?” How can we develop effective education strategies using our advancing technology to benefit our students? If you are interested in learning the answers to these questions, continue reading because this article will detail the answers to these questions. School Culture– According to Edutopia, New York’s “School of the Future” was successful for many reasons; one …

How Technology Can Be Used to Create Better Assessments

pass or fail

One of the many changes that students are experiencing is their ability to be assessed not only in the classroom but also online. Students of all ages can be tested and assessed through the use of online tools and assessments. In the 21st century, we are seeing a shift in views regarding how students can be tested and assessed based on their performances inside and outside the classroom. Students can also be assessed by creating and displaying their work online through social media, YouTube, and digital portfolios. Additionally, many university classes are encouraging and even requiring student contribution on online …

Helping Teachers Use Technology and Technology Experts Teach

The Difference Between Teachers and Technology Experts  Although many teachers now have grown-up in the technology age, many traditional or “old-school” teachers are still not feeling equipped to teach in the classroom of the 21st century. Teachers that earned their certificates in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and even the 90’s may or may not feel prepared to operate and utilize today’s education equipment in the classroom. From the replacement of chalkboards with smart boards to the use of iPads in the classroom with apps for learning in English, Math, Science, and many other areas, the advances in technology are taking …

How to Choose the Right Digital Learning Device

pass or fail

Choosing the right digital learning device can be tricky. As more schools go one-to-one, offering every student a computer or tablet, they are faced with the difficult choice of picking one device that will work for all purposes. It can be tough to find a device that is tough enough to withstand everything students will throw at it, is easy to carry around, and can do everything teachers and students need it to do. Ultimately, there is no one right digital learning device for every school. But there are some basic guidelines that schools can follow to help them choose …

How Can You Take the Distance Out of Distance Learning?

pass or fail

Distance learning has provided thousands of students the chance to increase their knowledge on a chosen subject in an accessible and flexible way. During the fall semester of 2014, 5,750,417 students in the U.S. were enrolled in a postsecondary distance learning course. It is clear that distance learning creates opportunities for young adults and professionals that previously weren’t available. However, while students often praise the flexibility of distance learning, they also comment on the isolation that distance learning students can experience. The development of edtech has created new means of communication that can help to bridge the gap between distance …

5 Ways That Technology Can Expand Creativity in Higher Education

Discovering Ways To Link Technology and Creativity  Creativity has always been a part of a successful classroom, however recent advances in technology are making it possible to increase the ability for students to use their creativity in academia. With the ability to take and store thousands of pictures and videos, and listen to music in the palms of our hands, our students have the ability to be more and more creative in their projects, assignments, as well as group and individual tasks. As universities are encouraging the expansion and use of technology in the classroom, many professors are also encouraging …

Personalized Learning Should Start in Libraries

Can a library be the perfect place for personalized learning? We believe the answer is yes. Libraries offer endless resources, space for learning, and individuals who are ready to assist students in the learning and research process. Sometimes when professors’ office hours do not line up with students’ schedules, we often forget, that librarians are here to help us too! That’s why we have libraries and librarians! Even if we think it is intimidating to approach a librarian, it should not be, because they are the experts in libraries! Not only are librarians available to assist us, but they are …

How Should Colleges Teach?

pass or fail

For many students, graduating from high school means heading off in short order to a residential four-year college or university to pursue higher education, a college degree, and – eventually – a career that will allow them to be a self-sustaining, productive member of society.  But as technology continues to reshape the landscape of education, many are beginning to wonder if the traditional brick-and-mortar colleges are the best way to serve the needs of the students.  The question becomes: how should colleges teach?  And how can they best serve the needs of all their prospective clients?  Is a physical college …