Can Robotics Teach Problem Solving to Students?

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential to success at university and in later life. However, the traditional classroom model has done a poor job of imparting these skills to students. The way children have learned in the classroom for generations has focused on lectures and worksheets. Past generations would depend on group sports, clubs and teenage jobs to impart these vital skills onto students. However, new ideas suggest that robotics may hold the key to teaching problem-solving skills to students. Using robots to teach real-world skills may be a strange concept, but is it worth exploring? We think so …

Making Edtech a Key Part of Your School Construction Plan

Technology brings with it exciting innovations and even though products get smarter and smaller; our classrooms are changing very little. The construction of new schools is not meeting the needs of modern students, and future students are bound to suffer too.  If we are pushing edtech as the future of education, architects and school boards need to be creating spaces that are conducive to blended learning, technology and the explosion that is happening across the edtech market. One problem that many schools suffer from is bad Wi-Fi. This is not always due to their own fault but rather due to …

How Edtech Companies Can Sell To the International Market

Edtech is a growing market, expected to increase by 17% yearly. However, a significant part of that growth is projected outside the U.S. As international schools begin to accept edtech, the market is becoming friendly for companies. Recent changes in the U.S. market have led to a decline in funding and support for edtech, so embracing international sales will be increasingly important for long term sustainability in the industry. Though the sales trajectory admittedly still needs some work for most edtech companies. Targeting and acquiring international clients comes with different challenges than landing U.S. deals. What research and considerations does …

My Vision for the Future of Assessment in Education

Assessment is a big part of today’s education landscape. Most states use high-stakes assessments to measure student growth and proficiency at the end of each school year. But is this really the best way to use assessments? The future of assessment in education needs to change. In order to really reimagine the future of assessment, we must ask ourselves what the purpose of assessments really are. In their current form, assessments are used to measure everything students have learned. High-stakes end-of-year assessments are used to determine whether students pass or fail a class. These same assessments are used to judge …

My Vision for the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial Intelligence. It has many applications in education. Imagine this: students wake up in the morning and, via SMS, confirm their attendance and that they will be taking the bus. Students then receive a reply with their transportation details, which vary depending on the number of pickups and the traffic. Upon arriving at school, students meet with their tutors who have individualized learning plans given to them based on collected data and the students’ strengths. Throughout the day, students receive alerts via SMS as to lab availability, opportunities to study with peers, fire alarms, and the fastest evacuation route, and …

EdTech Should Change the Way Teachers Teach

For a long time, teaching was teacher-centered: the teacher dispensed information through lecture, handouts, or presentations; the students absorbed the information by listening and taking notes. It was repetitive, could become monotonous, and left little room for student exploration or creativity. It was also detrimental to students who couldn’t keep pace with the teacher’s lessons or students who learned in way different from the teacher’s presentation The past ten years have seen a surge in student-centered learning, and the integration of technology into the classroom makes it increasingly easy to create engaging lessons that reach a variety of learners in …

Tips for Teaching with Apps

pass or fail

Teaching with apps is not new. We have compiled lists of apps and tech resources that can be used in the classroom and for education outside the classroom. However, we haven’t necessarily offered any tips for successfully using apps for teaching. Finding, downloading, and having students use apps for learning is one thing. Teaching with apps effectively and making use of the data they track is another task entirely. The goal of using an app in education is not simply to use it because it’s available but to enhance learning and individualized teaching approaches. We’ve listed some tips as to …

My Vision For the Future of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the foundation of our society. If we do not set children up to succeed, they will ultimately fail. The failure of future generations would be the downfall of our social and economic structure. This is a concept which is now widely accepted. And, many countries have implemented programs to encourage and support early learners. Consequently, the American ECE system needs to make significant strides to keep up. In my vision for the future of early childhood education, American students will be enriched and supported. They will have the tools necessary to compete in the global market. …

Edtech Companies Are From Mars, Schools Are From Venus

Edtech companies and K-12 schools have many of the same goals. They both want to see new technology implemented in the classroom in a way that makes the learning process more engaging for students and less labor-intensive for teachers. So why are relationships between companies and schools often so distant, even rocky? Here are some of the ways that edtech companies are from Mars and K-12 schools are from Venus…and how to overcome the disconnect. They Have Different Visions If you talk to any educator, he will tell you exactly what he needs to make his classroom more successful. But …

My Vision for the Future of Neuroscience in Education

pass or fail

Researchers are uncovering how the human brain functions, learns and stores memory. The implications of this work have the potential to create disruptive change. Still in its infancy, neuroscience has the potential to change how educators approach instruction and learning. I base my vision for the future of neuroscience in education on cooperative interaction between researchers and teachers. Already neuroscientists cannot study learning and memory without the assistance of educators who are working alongside students, and teachers must consider the implications of neuroscience for their teaching. In the future, you can expect to see a strong focus on learning and …