9 Benefits of Music Lessons

Has your child been asking for lessons on the piano, the guitar, or maybe even the saxophone? If you’re hesitating about the commitment, here are some great benefits for kids who learn to play a musical instrument. It builds language skills. As they learn their instrument, children become accustomed to different sounds that they would not have recognized before. This practice trains their ears for the nuances and subtle sounds of language. It makes them stronger academically. Researchers have found connections between music lessons and nearly every measure of academic achievement: SAT scores, high school GPA, reading comprehension, and math …

7 Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Parent-Teacher Conference

Whether this is your first or one of your final parent-teacher conferences, you may be feeling a little unsettled about what to discuss. Mainly, you are there to discuss your child with his/her teacher. This will look different depending on the grade level and the teacher, but ultimately, a parent-teacher conference is the opportunity for parents and teachers to communicate about how to help the child succeed inside the classroom. No matter the reason for the conference, you should plan to enter the conference with the goal of supporting both your child and the teacher. To help you prepare for …

8 Must-Have Medical Apps for Parents

Accidents happen. Kids get sick. Parents spend endless amounts of time and money taking their children back and forth to doctor’s appointments. Considering all the possible colds, illnesses, and emergencies your family will face, you should try to find ways to make yourself feel less anxious when these events occur. Thankfully, there are medical apps that make life easier for parents. By providing parents with medical information at the touch of a button, apps can make it easy to take care of minor incidences and possibly save a life. Here are eight of the best medical apps for parents: Child …

How to Avoid Raising Racist Kids

From race-based killings to white supremacist rallies, we are living in times when racism is on the front page of every newspaper. For this reason, many race-conscious parents are trying to make every effort to raise the next generation to be better and to do better. Learning from the mistakes of previous generations, here are the ways parents are now tackling the issue of racism in their homes. Avoid the “Colorblind” Myth If you are a parent of a child today, it is very likely you grew up in the “colorblind” culture. For decades, well-meaning white parents thought the answer …

What Foods Can Make Your Child Smarter?

We all want to give our children every advantage in life, including intelligence. We engage in creative play, read to them, and explore the world daily to develop those little minds. However, what we put into our children’s bodies is just as important as the stimuli to which we expose them. Proper nutrition is essential for growth of the body and mind. While some days we might find it hard to get young children to cooperate with a healthy diet, we need to try. Here are some foods to boost your kid’s brain power and tricks to making them fun …

Teaching Kids to Be Grateful

No parent wants to raise a child who acts entitled and bratty, but it happens. If you want to avoid raising an entitled child, the best thing you can do is teach your child to be grateful. In addition to merely being good manners, gratitude also teachers our kids to take the focus off themselves and place it on someone else. Sometimes this seems to be easier said than done. As the parent, you set the tone for your family. If you strive to live a grateful life, your kids will follow your lead. Express Gratitude Regularly in Your Home …

Parents Who Want to Limit Their Children’s Screen Time Should Start with Their Own

We are a generation of parents addicted to screens. Just look around you, and you will see the vast majority of people surrounding you are looking at a screen rather than a person. And, our kids are taking notes. While most media-conscious parents are aware of screen time guidelines for children, most parents do not consider their own screen time limits. Sadly, even the parents who think they are doing a decent job of modeling healthy screen time limits are failing to put down the screens and connect with their children. How Much Time Are Adults Spending Looking at Screens? …

10 Books That Will Help Your Child Develop a Love of Reading

It is never too early to introduce your children to the world of reading. From the time your little ones are born, there are plenty of excellent board books to begin reading to them. As your child grows, you will move on to more advanced children’s literature for your family story times. Eventually, your child will read books independently – possibly with a flashlight at bedtime. To help you increase your child’s love of reading, you should choose books they will love. Look at the list below that includes books for babies and up through independent readers to build a …

10 Easy Science Fair Projects for Kids

Science fair projects are a rite of passage – and not just for the kids! Every parent that has had to help their child with a science fair project knows it can be an overwhelming experience. But, it doesn’t have to be! Science fair projects can be fun and easy. If you can help your child find a project that excites him or her, then you are on the right track. We have put together a list of ten easy science fair projects for kids of all ages. Each of these experiments is designed to be done by kids (and …

The Secret to Raising a Confident Girl

Confidence is important for any child: it sets them up to be happy, mentally healthy, and successful. It equips them to handle challenges, manage emotions, and feel comfortable in their own skins. For young girls, however, confidence can be particularly important. Although women have made great strides in society, there is a widening “wellness gap” between girls and boys. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, girls experience depressive episodes at triple the rates of boys, and anxiety, stress, and depression among young girls continue to rise. One way to change this is by helping your daughter …