Do kids who grow kale eat kale?

Garrett M. Broad, Fordham University It’s back-to-school time in the United States, and for countless children across the nation, it’s also time to get back into the school garden. For centuries, educators and philosophers have argued that garden-based learning improves children’s intelligence and boosts their personal health. In recent years, concerns related to childhood obesity and young people’s disconnection from nature have led to a revitalized interest in the topic. Tens of thousands of American schools have some form of school garden. Many are located on school grounds and others are run by external community partners. Most are connected to …

Why are police inside public schools?

Aaron Kupchik, University of Delaware Children across the U.S. have now returned to school. Many of these children are going to schools with sworn police officers patrolling the hallways. These officers, usually called school resource officers, are placed in schools across the country to help maintain school safety. According to the most recent data reported by the Department of Education, police or security guards were present in 76.4 percent of U.S. public high schools in the 2009-2010 school year. In many of these schools, police officers are being asked to deal with a range of issues that are very different …