TEACHER QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Student Slang?


In today’s rapidly evolving world, language continues to evolve along with it. One area where this is particularly evident is in the realm of student slang. With new words and phrases constantly popping up, it’s important for teachers to stay updated and connected to their students. In this quiz, we will test your knowledge of the latest student slang, so get ready to see how well you can decipher what your students are really saying!

Question 1: What does “on fleek” mean?

Question 2: If a student tells you they were “capped,” what do they mean?

Question 3: A student tells you that their new outfit is “fire.” What are they expressing?

Question 4: What does “tea” mean when students say it?

Question 5: If a student says they “ghosted” someone, what do they mean?

Question 6: What does it mean if a student says “I can’t even”?

Question 7: If a student says they are “savage,” what are they saying about themselves?

Question 8: What does it mean if a student says they are “bae”?

Question 9: A student asks you if you’re “woke.” What are they asking?

Question 10: If a student says they are “shipping” two people, what do they mean?

Conclusion: Congratulations on completing the TEACHER QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Student Slang? We hope this quiz helped you gain insight into the world of student slang and understand your students better. Don’t forget to stay updated on the ever-changing language of today’s youth to foster better communication and connection in the classroom. Keep up the great work!