What Teachers Want Parents to Know

While you will always be your child’s first teacher, classroom teachers play a tremendous role in his/her development. Teachers have the unique task of educating your child and preparing him/her for success both inside and outside the classroom. We simply cannot do it without your support. If I could tell parents five ways to support teachers, this is what I would say:

Trust Us

First, we love your children and are excited to see them grow this school year. We are educated and continue to learn about our profession through various classes and professional development opportunities, so do not treat us like we are inferior. When you respect us, it teaches your child to respect us as well. This also means you need to trust us. If we contact you about something regarding your child, do not grow defensive. Listen to us and trust our professional opinion.

We Are on the Same Team

We are not the enemy; please do not treat us like we are. This school year will be much more enjoyable for everyone if you understand we are on the same team. We both want your child to succeed; we never hope a student fails. Instead, let’s work together to help your child achieve great success.

Communicate with Me

Rather than vent about issues you have with your child’s grades or my classroom management style, please communicate with me directly. As I said before, we are on the same team. Speak to me about the concerns you have. Send me an email or set up a meeting. Also, read the information I send home.

Some Challenges Are Necessary

Parents are often quick to deem assignments as too difficult. Parents complain about homework, projects, reading assignments and more. When your child hears you talk about assignments this way, it only reinforces negative ideas about our teaching. We are not trying to bog your child down; we are trying to help your child grow. The best teachers understand that challenges are necessary for raising expectations to help your child learn as much as possible.

Teach Your Child to Accept Consequences

When parents rush in to help fight their child’s battles, they are hurting more than they are helping. Rather than making excuses for your child’s behavior, allow him/her to learn from the consequences the teacher enforces. Additionally, teach your child to accept the consequences when it comes to completing and turning in schoolwork.

Most teachers do not teach for the paycheck; we teach because we love our students. We know your child is special to you because they are special to us. Our profession is full of challenges, but you should not be one of them.

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