Teaching Students About Malcolm Butler: Inspiring Lessons for the Classroom


Incorporating sports heroes and their personal stories into the classroom can be a fantastic way to engage students and provide them with real-life examples of determination, hard work, and perseverance. One incredible athlete whose journey can inspire students is Malcolm Butler, the American football cornerback for the NFL. In this article, we will discuss how to introduce Malcolm Butler to your students and create a variety of learning opportunities.

Introducing Malcolm Butler

Begin by presenting your students with a general overview of Malcolm Butler’s life and career. Share information about his upbringing in Vicksburg, Mississippi, his early interest in football, and his time at the University of West Alabama. Emphasize his undrafted status – it’s essential to highlight that he didn’t initially achieve instant success but worked tirelessly despite setbacks.

Focus on the Key Moments

To make your lessons about Malcolm Butler engaging and inspiring, concentrate on key moments in his career. His unforgettable interception against the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl XLIX is undoubtedly an inspiring moment to discuss. Show your students a clip of this iconic play or have them read a description of the events.

Following this high point in his career, it can be beneficial to emphasize how he stayed humble and continued pushing himself on and off the field. Point out other significant achievements like earning two Super Bowl rings and receiving multiple awards.

Connecting with Core Values

An essential aspect of teaching about Malcolm Butler is connecting his story with core values such as perseverance, hard work, teamwork, and humility. For example, show how even when faced with challenges and setbacks during his early years (undrafted status), he relentlessly pursued his dreams.


To make learning about Malcolm Butler interactive for your students, incorporate various activities that help them connect to his story:

1. Role-Playing Activities: Have students re-enact critical moments from Butler’s life or perform interviews between the athlete and a reporter.

2. Discussing Perseverance: Students can share their own experiences with perseverance and overcoming adversity, and relate them back to Butler’s journey.

3. Research Projects: Encourage students to research other successful athletes who overcame obstacles, highlighting the significance of determination and hard work.

4. Social Media Campaign: Students can create a social media campaign to spread awareness about Malcolm Butler’s accomplishments and core values.


Incorporating Malcolm Butler’s story into your classroom can serve as a powerful tool for engaging students in critical thinking, instilling core values, and celebrating achievements. His life serves as an excellent reminder that we all face challenges along our journeys but, through hard work and dedication, we can overcome them and achieve greatness.