Teaching Students About the Myths of Icarus

As students learn about Greek mythology, they will likely come across the story of Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun with wings made of feathers and wax. Teaching students about the myth of Icarus can be an opportunity to explore themes of hubris, consequences, and ambition.

The story of Icarus begins with his father, Daedalus, a skilled craftsman who creates wings for himself and his son to fly out of a labyrinth where they have been imprisoned. Daedalus warns Icarus not to fly too close to the sun or too close to the sea, as the wax that holds the feathers together will melt or the feathers will become too heavy to fly if they get wet.

Despite his father’s warnings, Icarus becomes enamored with the sensation of flight and disregards the advice to stay at a safe height. He flies higher and higher until the sun melts his wings, causing him to fall to his death in the sea.

As a teaching tool, the myth of Icarus can provide students with a cautionary tale about the dangers of overreaching and ignoring warnings. It can also prompt discussions about ethics, ambition, and human nature, as students consider the motivations that led Icarus to ignore the warnings of his father and pursue flight beyond the boundaries of safety.

To make the lesson engaging and interactive, teachers can demonstrate the physics of flight with experiments or demonstrations, such as building and testing paper airplanes or using balloons to model air pressure. Teachers can also prompt critical thinking exercises, such as asking students to analyze different versions of the story of Icarus or compare it to other myths or fables that address similar themes.

In addition to broadening students’ understanding of Greek mythology, teaching students about Icarus can help them apply the lessons of the story to their own lives. With an awareness of the risks of overreaching and the importance of following guidelines and boundaries, students can develop a clearer sense of responsibility and grow in their ability to make ethical and informed decisions.