The Edvocate’s List of 13 Assistive Technology Apps, Tools and Resources

The way that K-12 learners are taught is in rapid flux, particularly when it comes to students in special education programs. According to a report by the Fordham Insititute, special education participation by K-12 students represented 13.1 percent of the nation’s student population in 2010. From 2000 to 2010, students in special education categories like learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and emotional disturbances dropped in numbers. Cases of autism spiked dramatically, though, quadrupling over the 10-year span.

Combine these statistics with the way classroom technology has changed since the year 2000 and it makes sense that special education is in an adjustment period. Because of this, special educators need to need abreast of what’s new in their field, especially when it comes to assistive technology for the classroom. But how do you do this while trying to juggle so many duties?  To help you out, we decided to compile a list of 13 of the best assistive technology apps, tools, and resources.

  1. Montessori Numbers– Outstanding app for kids who have issues understanding the connection between quantities and the numbers.
  2. Proloquo2Go– This app helps students with communication issues to connect.
  3. The Sounding Out Machine– This app helps students who having problems decoding words.
  4. Bookshare– Exceptional digital library that allows students with visual disabilities to operate it.
  5. Goalbook Toolkit– Make personal benchmarks for your students with this expensive kit of tools and strategies.
  6. Scan and Read Pro– Assistive technology that makes reading easy for students with visual disabilities.
  7. Natural Reader– Organic text-to-speech tool that helps students with reading disabilities.
  8. Model Me Going Places– This visual tools assists students in learning to navigate their school and community.
  9. Positive Penguins– This app helps students build resilience.
  10. Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame– This resource app teachers kids problem solving, self-control, planning, and task persistence. Users laugh and learn as they help a Sesame Street monster friend calm down and solve everyday challenges.
  11. Articulation Station– This communication app helps students speak and pronounce their sounds more clearly.
  12. Voice4U– Is an augmentative and alternative communication app that helps students with communicative disorders express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.
  13. Memory Trainer– Is an app that helps students to improve their spatial and working memory.

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