Schools and educational facilities all over the world have adopted an emergent curriculum system. This concept’s definition is relatively simple, and it can work wonders when applied correctly in the classroom.
If you have no idea what is meant by the term ’emergent curriculum,’ you have come to the right place. In this article, we will be discussing exactly what this approach means and how it benefits students.
What Is An Emergent Curriculum?
As we have already mentioned, the term ‘emergent curriculum‘ is a relatively simple idea. In short, it refers to an educational approach in which teachers design and create projects based on the specific qualities and skills of the group of students.
For example, different students within the same class could be assigned various tasks that suit their capabilities and strengths. Imagine walking into a preschool lesson and noticing two or three students creating an art piece. Four other students in the room are working on a mathematics worksheet. On the other hand, a handful of students are reading a children’s book. This classroom would be using an emergent curriculum.
How Does An Emergent Curriculum Work?
A successful emergent curriculum would be one that is well thought out and planned. The teacher would need to design the various activities and projects based on the students’ skills and interests. In other words, they should first discover what these interests and strengths are. It is also vital that the educator monitors and takes notes of what happens while the students complete these tasks.
A common misconception is that the students of an emergent curriculum program will not learn everything they should. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, the teachers still plan certain lessons based on what students in regular preschools learn. On top of this, the children will gain valuable knowledge and practice regarding their skills, interests, and strengths.
Emergent curriculum programs also include a lot of group work. For this reason, the students will improve their communication and collaboration skills from a very young age. Students who attend these types of schools tend to enjoy lessons much more as they cater to the children’s unique qualities.
Concluding Thoughts
An emergent curriculum program revolves around the individual strengths, qualities, and capabilities of the students. The teacher will create and design projects according to the skills of the students.
These programs often include a lot of group work, improving communication and collaboration skills. More so, the children tend to enjoy classes much more than in a regular school.