Top 10 Synchronous Learning Best Practices For Instructor-Led Training

Instructor-led training (ILT) remains a powerful training method, offering real-time interaction, immediate feedback, and an engaging learning environment. When augmented with synchronous online learning strategies, ILT can be both dynamic and widely accessible. Here are the top ten best practices for enhancing synchronous learning in instructor-led training:

1. Plan and Structure Sessions Carefully 

Design your sessions with clear objectives and a structured outline. Begin with an agenda, and state the goals at the start to provide direction.

2. Utilize Interactive Tools 

Leverage technology such as polls, quizzes, and interactive whiteboards to engage learners actively and to maintain their attention throughout the session.

3. Keep Sessions Dynamic 

Avoid lengthy lectures by incorporating a mix of teaching methods like discussions, breakout rooms, and group activities to cater to different learning styles.

4. Encourage Participation 

Foster an environment where learners are comfortable sharing their thoughts. Ask open-ended questions, acknowledge contributions, and use features like raise hand to manage turns speaking.

5. Ensure Accessibility 

Consider learners with different needs by providing captions, transcripts, and adjustable presentation speeds to make learning accessible to all.

6. Prepare High-Quality Materials 

Supplement your verbal instruction with high-quality visuals and documents that learners can refer to during and after the session.

7. Use Real-World Examples 

Illustrate concepts with scenarios or case studies from real-life situations relevant to the learners’ experiences to enhance understanding and retention.

8. Provide Immediate Feedback 

Offer real-time responses to learner queries, which helps clarify doubts instantly and keep the session interactive.

9. Evaluate and Adapt 

Regularly solicit feedback through surveys or quick checks during the session to improve your approach progressively.

10. Offer Support Beyond the Session 

Create an online resource hub or forum for continued learning and support after sessions end to reinforce material covered in class.

Incorporating these best practices will significantly improve engagement and effectiveness in synchronous instructor-led training sessions, thereby ensuring a robust learning experience for all participants.