Task analysis is a process in which broad goals are broken down into small objectives or parts and sequenced for instruction. Task analysis is the process of developing a training sequence by breaking down a task into small steps that a child can master more easily. Tasks, skills, assignments, or jobs in the classroom become manageable for all children, which allows them to participate fully in the teaching and learning process.
In early childhood settings, teachers focus task analysis on activities necessary for successful participation in the environment. Four ways to develop the steps needed for a task analysis include watching a master, self-monitoring, brainstorming, and goal analysis. Early childhood teachers can use each of these approaches to identify and record the 4 incremental steps:
–Watching a master: To know how to help children walk the balance beam, watch someone who is doing this task well.
–Self-monitoring: To know how to help children make a paper-mache turkey, review the steps that you follow in accomplishing the task.
–Brainstorming: To know how to help children plan a garden in a school plot, ask all the children to give you ideas
–Goal analysis: To know how to help children develop conflict resolution strategies, review the observable and nonobservable aspects of this task, and identify ways to see how it is accomplished.
It is important to remember that the number of steps in a task analysis depends upon the functioning level of the child as well as the nature of the task. I hope you enjoyed this brief explanation of task analysis and its 4 components. If you have anything that you would add to the article, please leave it in the comments below.
To help teachers further understand the components of task analysis and how it can be used in the classroom, below we have an included an informational video that was compiled by professors at Virginia Commonwealth University.
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