What is English Immersion?

This is an environment for learning where students are instructed basically or totally in English. English immersion approaches are based on the concept that if the teachers plunge learners into an exclusively English environment, they’ll master it much more quickly than conventional teaching methods. The idea is that if students read or hear the language enough, at a level they can understand, they’ll get better at using it. What makes English immersion different from other approaches is the greater number of opportunities to read, hear, and use the language. Immersion provides the students with constant exposure to English, thus offering limitless learning opportunities.

The success of English immersion programs varies by region and school. Not all learners can grasp English in the same period of time. Generally, both teachers and students are only allowed to communicate in English in the classroom. Assignments and tests evaluate every student’s success with the language. In the United States, most of these programs are taught in localities densely populated with native speakers of other languages. The desired result of English immersion programs is for learners to gain the confidence required to use English fluently in every aspect of life. Learners aren’t anticipated to forget their native languages. 

The objective of English immersion is to let students overcome the barriers in learning the language. An English immersion program may last months or years. Depending on resource availability, learners without any English background might be in a class with other learners in the same boat. On the contrary, a learner might be in a class where all the other learners already speak English.

As more students enroll in English immersion programs, parents need to find methods to engage their kids and get involved in the learning. Parents can use the following strategies to achieve this goal.

Reading to and with them: When parents regularly read to their kids, they model how to read with expression and fluency and instill a love of reading. Reading is usually one of the first skills kids develop when learning a new language. Therefore, it’s an excellent method to get them excited about demonstrating their progress.

Applauding effort: Parents should emphasize the importance of acquiring another language and recognize their kids’ accomplishments and progress. Regardless of the accomplishment, parents should praise their kids for their determination and effort toward their goals. Learners’ motivation continues to grow over time when they become excited about the progress they’re making.

Encouraging curiosity: Parents can ask their kids open-ended questions about what they’re learning in school. They should motivate the children to question the world around them.

Getting involved: Parents should get involved in their kids’ school experience by helping with activities, field trips, and materials or volunteering in the immersion classroom. If making it to the classroom isn’t possible, parents can set up a playdate with another student on the weekends to help them practice their language skills together. However they decide to get involved, comprehending a bit more about the kids’ classroom can benefit both.