What to Focus on When Teaching Pronunciation by Grade Level

Teaching pronunciation can be challenging because the objectives differ according to the level of the learners. This guide will tell you about the key issues that you have to deal with at every level and the resources you can utilize to help the students to improve their pronunciation skills. You can also find some activities for different levels of learners.

You can encourage the students to read aloud while doing their homework, speak in English, and practice pronunciation whenever they get a chance.


Syllable stress – Tell the students about the syllable stress pattern and ask them to use syllable stress for multisyllabic words.

Voiceless and voiced consonants – Teach them how to differentiate between voiceless and voiced consonants. Ask them to place their fingers on their throats and note the differences between z, s, v, and f.

Silent letters – Make them familiar with words with silent letters, for instance, comb in which b is silent.

Silent e at the end – Acquaint them with the impact of a silent e at the end of a word. Tell the students about the exceptions.


It is best to concentrate on rote learning at this level. Grammar chants can help students to develop pronunciation skills.

Activities for Beginners

Slap that word! – This is an enjoyable and competitive activity that helps to reinforce pronunciation.

Rhyming words – You can show cards with words to the students and tell them other rhyming words.

Intermediate Level Learners

Minimal pairs – Make the students aware of the slight differences in the pronunciation of similar words.

Word stress pattern – Help them focus on brief sentences and use the regular word stress pattern to enhance their pronunciation skills.

Intonation and stress – Familiarize them with intonation and enable them to focus on the music of the language.


You can acquaint the students with the international phonetic alphabet or IPA at this level.

Activities for the Intermediate Level

Tongue twisters – They can help students to focus on more tough phonemes.

International phonetic alphabet symbol card game – Cards are available online. You can take print-outs and use them. Students can learn phonetic signs with the help of these cards.

Advanced Level Learners

Advanced knowledge of intonation and stress – Show the students how when you change particular words’ intonation, their meaning changes.

Changing pronunciation according to the situation – Tell them how to alter the pronunciation of words in a formal and informal setting.


Help the students to comprehend the significance of function and content words. Teach them to do sound-scripting. It is a method of preparing the text by marking it so that you can read it aloud. At this level, the students should have the ability to change the contextual meaning by changing word stresses in sentences.

Activities for the Advanced Level

Transcription lesson – Further familiarize the students with the international phonetic alphabetconcentrate on the concept of connected speech.

FluentU activities – Engage students in pronunciation activities offered on this site to enhance pronunciation skills enjoyably.