Why Transforming Hispanic-Serving Institutions Matters

As the United States continues to experience demographic shifts, the importance of Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) cannot be overstated. With Latinos making up the largest minority group in the country, these institutions have become critical in preparing students for success in a rapidly changing society.

There are currently over 500 HSIs across the US, which means that they have a significant impact on the higher education system. These institutions are defined as colleges or universities where Hispanic enrollment accounts for at least 25% of the student population. This is important because research has shown that such institutions are often better equipped to support and provide resources to Hispanic students than non-HSI institutions.

One of the main reasons transforming HSIs matters is that it can help close the educational attainment gap. Hispanic students are underrepresented in higher education, with only about 22% of Latino adults earning a bachelor’s degree. This is lower than the national rate and highlights the importance of institutions that cater to their needs. HSIs have a unique understanding of the challenges that Hispanic students face, such as navigating cultural barriers, affording tuition, and accessing support resources. As such, HSIs can provide a much-needed sense of belonging and understanding that can help students succeed.

HSIs also have the potential to contribute to the US economy by boosting the number of Hispanic graduates in STEM fields. Research shows that Latinos are underrepresented in STEM professions, despite their growing presence in the workforce. As such, institutions that offer programs and resources to support Latino students in STEM fields can help address this disparity. HSIs have the potential to transform the educational landscape by bridging the gaps in Hispanic students’ access to higher education and in STEM-related fields.

Transforming HSIs can also help to diversify the academic landscape, creating new opportunities for both students and faculty. One significant challenge HSIs face is the lack of tenure-track positions, which can affect their ability to attract and retain top talent. Addressing this issue can help diversify the faculty pool at HSIs and create new opportunities for underrepresented groups.

In summary, transforming HSIs matters because these institutions play a critical role in bridging the gaps in access to higher education and supporting the academic success of Latino students. As the country continues to become more diverse, the importance of creating educational opportunities that reflect this diversity cannot be overstated. By transforming HSIs, we can ensure that all students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed.