Why You Might Be Freaking out Right Now if You’re Headed Back to School


After months of being away from school or attending virtual classes, going back to school can be nerve-racking for many students. As educational institutions begin to reopen worldwide, it’s natural to have mixed emotions about this transition. This article explores some of the reasons why you might be freaking out right now if you’re headed back to school.

1. Adjusting to New Routines

For many students, adapting to new routines and schedules after a long break can cause anxiety. Resuming early morning alarm clocks, following strict class timetables, and balancing homework with extra-curricular activities might take some time to get used to again.

2. Fear of Falling Behind Academically

During the remote learning period, every student’s experience was different – some may have thrived while others faced numerous challenges affecting their academic performance. Thus, returning to school means catching up on any missed work and trying to stay on track with the rest of your classmates.

3. Concerns About Health and Safety

The ongoing uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened everyone’s concerns about health and safety measures at school. Maintaining physical distance, using masks in crowded areas, and adhering to hygiene protocols are new norms that students must navigate as they return to their classrooms.

4. Social Anxiety

Socializing plays a significant part in students’ lives; however, after spending an extended time in isolation or communicating mainly through screens, re-establishing social connections might feel overwhelming for many. Fears of being judged or experiencing awkward encounters in social situations can trigger anxiety.

5. Pressure on Academic Performance

It’s no secret that academic success is important for many students and their parents alike. The stress of achieving good grades or maintaining scholarships may create fear around not performing well enough—one common reason students may be worried about going back to school.


As students prepare to return to the school environment, it’s expected that they might experience anxiety and fear about various aspects of their lives. However, it’s essential to recognize that these feelings are normal and can be overcome. Seeking support from friends, family, or professional help can enable students to cope with these challenges and enjoy their time at school.

Remember, if you’re freaking out right now about going back to school – you’re not alone. Be patient with yourself as you transition back into normalcy and prioritize self-care in order to maintain a sense of balance and well-being.