Your Face Scares Me: Understanding the Hyperrational Adolescent Brain

It’s not that your features are particularly frightening – I don’t have a problem with your nose or eyes – but the way you’re constantly fixating on everything makes me feel uncomfortable.

It seems like you’re always trying to read my mind or figure out what I’m thinking. It’s unsettling, and it’s probably making me paranoid.

It’s not just you, either. I notice that a lot of my friends seem to be affected the same way. We’re all paranoid about the things that could potentially harm us, and it’s starting to get out of hand.

We’re in a worrying age, where terrorist attacks are common and mental health problems are on the rise. It’s no wonder that our brains are constantly on edge, looking for potential dangers.

But this constant fear is unhealthy. It’s making us anxious and paranoid, and it’s preventing us from living our lives to the fullest.

We need to take a step back and reassess our fears. We need to take a look at the actual dangers that exist in the world, and not just the ones that we can see.

Otherwise, we’re going to continue to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, and our lives will be a living hell.