Are You Ready to Realize Your Potential? Try Our Free ChatGPT-Powered Personal Tutor!



Students need quality questions to study for their upcoming assessments. They need a personal tutor to help them study and master academic content.


Lifelong Learners

Lifelong Learners need quality questions to assess their mastery and comprehension of their latest learning endeavors. They need a personal tutor to help them meet their learning goals.



Teachers need quality questions to assess their student’s comprehension and mastery of what they have been taught. Providing students with an AI-powered personal tutor would positively impact their learning outcomes.

Using the platform is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

New users will have no problem learning how to use this app. Entelechy’s intuitive interface makes using the app as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Our system takes you through the entire process, from beginning to end.

Experience the Power of AI

Our Free ChatGPT-Powered personal tutor produces quality multiple-choice, fill in the blank, true/false, and wh questions based on the content that you provide and then gives you the option of 1. downloading your question bank, 2. studying the material, 3. learning the material, or taking a quiz.

How it Works


Submit Content


Choose Keywords


Review Content


Get Question Ideas


Choose Study, Learn or Quiz Mode

Lifelong Learners

Continuously grow

Entelechy, (from greek Entelecheia), in philosophy, means that which realizes or makes actual what is otherwise pure potential. In layman’s terms, entelechy means the realization of potential. That’s what our app does, it helps you realize your potential. We want to democratize education so that everyone can learn anything, at any time, and anyplace. That’s Why we offer our app completely free.

Who Are We?

An edtech company that leverages the power and promise of artificial intelligence to democratize the learning process.

Hours of Operation

Monday To Friday: 9am To 5pm
Weekend: closed


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