Things to Bring to College That You Can’t Buy at Target

Packing for college is a whirlwind of excitement and uncertainty. You’re eager to build your new life, but the endless lists and “must-haves” can be overwhelming. While Target might have everything from bedding to bath towels, there are certain college essentials that you just can’t find on the aisles. Here are a few items to consider adding to your packing list: 1. The Comfort Kit:  A good quality pillow: Sleep is crucial for studying and adjusting to college life. Invest in a pillow that provides the right support and helps you get a good night’s rest. A cozy blanket: College …

Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: the Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran.

The dusty streets of Mashhad, a bustling Iranian city, are filled with the echoes of a different kind of struggle. Here, amongst the crowds of Iranian citizens, lives a silent community of Afghan women, their lives forever altered by the tumultuous events in their homeland. Their stories are not just about displacement, but about shattered dreams, stolen years, and the arduous journey of rebuilding lives in a foreign land. For many, the fall of Kabul in 2021 marked the end of their aspirations. Dreams of education, careers, and independent lives were unceremoniously extinguished under the weight of the Taliban’s oppressive …

New York Bans Realistic Active Shooter Drills in Schools

The state of New York has taken a bold step toward addressing the psychological impact of school shootings by banning realistic active shooter drills in schools. This landmark legislation, signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul, prohibits drills that involve simulating a school shooting scenario, including the use of simulated weapons and loud noises. The new law acknowledges the mounting evidence that these drills, intended to prepare students for a potential threat ,actually contribute to significant psychological harm. Studies have shown that students participating in such drills experience increased anxiety, fear, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. “We can’t, in good conscience, …

Book Prompts Investigation Into Nashville’s Unsolved Civil Rights-Era Bombings

A new book, “The Nashville Bombings: A Legacy of Fear and Silence,” has reignited interest in a series of unsolved bombings that terrorized Nashville’s Black community during the Civil Rights era. The book, penned by investigative journalist Sarah Johnson, delves into the chilling history of these attacks, revealing previously overlooked details and sparking calls for a renewed investigation. Between 1958 and 1964, a series of dynamite explosions rocked Nashville, targeting predominantly Black businesses, churches, and homes. The bombings instilled fear and anxiety within the Black community, leaving many questioning their safety and the future of their fight for equality. Despite …

The Republican Party’s Problem With the Elite Begins With Its Own

The Republican Party, historically championing individual liberty and limited government, finds itself increasingly at odds with a perceived “elite” it claims to be fighting against. This narrative, however, fails to address the elephant in the room: the Republican Party itself is increasingly becoming the very elite it criticizes. This disconnect isn’t new. For decades, the Republican Party has courted the support of the wealthy and powerful. Corporate donations have become a vital lifeline for their campaigns, and policies favoring the affluent – from tax cuts to deregulation – have become hallmarks of their platform. This has alienated a large segment …

Teaching Students About Cuba

Introduction Cuba, an island nation located in the Caribbean, has a rich history and vibrant culture that offers a wealth of learning opportunities for students. It is essential for educators to provide accurate and engaging information about Cuba to make lessons diverse, educational, and enlightening. This article will explore ways for teachers to effectively impart valuable information and resources about Cuba to their students. Contextualizing Cuba When teaching about Cuba, it is essential to provide a well-rounded perspective on the country’s history, economics, politics, and culture. Start by discussing the location of Cuba in relation to its surrounding nations like …

With Speech to Teachers, Harris Waded into a Fiery Education Debate

Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent speech to teachers, where she addressed the ongoing debate surrounding critical race theory (CRT) and its role in education, has sparked a firestorm of controversy. While her message focused on the need for inclusivity and ensuring diverse perspectives are taught in classrooms, it has been interpreted by some as a tacit endorsement of CRT, further fueling the heated political debate surrounding the topic. Harris’s speech, delivered to a national audience of teachers, addressed the importance of “acknowledging the realities of our history” and creating a “more inclusive curriculum.” She emphasized the need to teach students …

Things For Germ-Conscious Folks To Bring On Flights

Air travel, while a marvel of modern convenience, can be a breeding ground for germs. From crowded airports to recirculated air, the potential for exposure is high. But fear not, fellow germophobes! With a little preparation, you can minimize your risk and enjoy a clean, comfortable flight. Here’s a list of essential gear for the germ-conscious traveler: 1. Hand Sanitizer: A no-brainer. Keep a small bottle (TSA-approved, of course) of hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content handy. Use it frequently, especially after touching surfaces like tray tables, armrests, and seatbelt buckles. 2. Disinfecting Wipes: These are your weapon …

15 Super Intimate Acts That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

In relationships, intimacy often conjures images of physical closeness. However, intimacy transcends the boundaries of the bedroom and can be expressed in numerous ways that deepen emotional bonds, foster trust, and create lasting connections. Here are 15 super intimate acts that have nothing to do with sex, each capable of strengthening relationships and enhancing connection:  1. Sharing Vulnerabilities Opening up about your fears, insecurities, or past traumas is a profound way to foster intimacy. When you share your vulnerabilities, you create a safe space for your partner to do the same, cultivating trust and understanding.  2. Deep Listening Practicing active …

Mom Brings Up Important Point About the Padding in Girls’ Bathing Suits

In recent years, conversations surrounding children’s clothing have taken on a new urgency, particularly regarding the design and marketing of girls’ swimsuits. One specific aspect that has ignited discussion among parents—especially mothers—is the inclusion of padding in bathing suits targeted toward young girls. This trend raises important questions about appropriateness, body image, and childhood innocence.  Understanding the Trend The inclusion of padding in girls’ bathing suits is not a new phenomenon, but it has gained more visibility in recent years. Many brands have opted to incorporate built-in padding in swimsuits aimed at girls of a certain age, with claims that …