10 of the Best 1st Grade Science Projects and Experiments

Are you looking for science activities to do with your 1st graders? No sweat. We have you covered. Check out our list of 10 science projects and experiments that you can try with your 1st graders this month.

Demonstrating Photosynthesis: Writing in Grass | Education.com – Grades K-5, How does photosynthesis affect grass? Complete this project to find out.

Can plants be nourished with juice, soda, or milk instead of water? | Education.com -Grades K-3, Learn whether plants can live and grow when ‘watered’ with juice, soda, or milk.

How Does Color Affect Eyesight? | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Find out which colors are easier and more challenging to read at a distance. This super simple project requires volunteers and color charts you can print from the web.

A Battery That Makes Cents | Sciencebuddies.org – Grades 1-2, Can you make a battery from 24 cents? Make a battery from a pile of coins and find out how different amounts of coins affect the amount of energy produced.

Sandwich Test: Wrap it Up | Easy-Science-Fair-Projects.net -Grades 1-2, Play with your food by testing how well different kinds of sandwich wraps keep bread fresh. Is the most expensive one the best? Or does the cheapest work just as well?

How Many Letters? | ScienceBuddies.org – Grades 1-4, How much memory does a computer use to “remember” a series of letters? Find out how much memory a computer uses to remember 1000 letters.

Jumping For Geodes: Can You Tell the Inside from the Outside? | ScienceBuddies.org Grades 1-4, Can you tell what’s inside a geode from looking at the outside? Learn more out these unique rocks and crack some open to discover the surprises inside.

How Water Beats Rock | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Discover how water is more potent than rocks.  Experiment with ways that water can break the stone.

Soil Type and Liquefaction | All-Science-Fair-Projects.com – Grades 1-5, Experiment with sand, clay, and loam and find out which type of soil dissolves most easily.

Effects of Temperature and Humidity on Static Charges | Education.com – Grades 1-5, Use balloons, a rubber ball, and a scarf to investigate why those socks stick together when you take them out of the dryer and how conditions in the air affect static electricity.

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