11 Tips for Teaching on YouTube

Do you want to start teaching on YouTube, but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we have you covered. We have compiled a list of 11 tips for teaching on YouTube. Without further ado, let’s begin.

1. Understand how YouTube works – You must learn and understand how YouTube works before you even think about creating a YouTube channel. Learn the foundations of YouTube, and the rest of the process will be a breeze.

2. Define your content – It is important that you know what type of content you will feature on your channel. You don’t want to make your channel too open, you want it to be laser-focused on a particular topic or subject. This doesn’t mean you can’t teach different subjects, but they have to be connected in some way. Also, decide if you will shoot the videos or upload them from other sources.

3. Pick an education channel category – YouTube divides its education channels into four different categories:

  • Pre-K 
  • Primary and Secondary 
  • Higher Education 
  • Lifelong Learning 

4. Shoot your videos – If you decide to shoot the videos on your own, consider the following:

  • Always shoot on landscape
  • Make sure there is adequate light and keep the lighting consistent
  • Have a shot list or a guide to help you stay on track
  • Keep the shots relatively short
  • Invest in a top of the line camera and microphone

5. Edit and upload the videos – After you are done with the shooting, edit the videos before finally uploading them to your YouTube channel.

6. Create a playlist – When you create a YouTube channel, it is recommended that you have a playlist to guide your students to the resources you want them to use.

7. Block video ads – Decide if you want to block ads on your channel. On the one hand, they can be annoying and distracting to your students, but on the other hand, video ads can generate revenue for your company or organization.

8. Add descriptions – Descriptions will help your students understand what the video is all about.

9. Block comments – If you allow comments on your YouTube Channel, you may receive a lot of spam comments, so I would just block them.

10. Add questions in your videos – You need to include questions in your videos to keep the viewers engaged in the learning process.

11. Promote your channel – If you want your channel to have tons of viewers, you should consider promoting it through social media, YouTube ads, etc.

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