15 Fun and Free Ways To Use NoRedInk in Your Middle School Writing Lessons

Teaching middle school students effective writing skills can be challenging, but incorporating engaging digital tools into your lesson plan can make a huge difference. One such tool is NoRedInk, an online platform that helps students improve their writing skills through tailored, interactive exercises. In this article, we’ll explore 15 fun and free ways to use NoRedInk in your middle school writing lessons.

1. Grammar Drills: Utilize NoRedInk’s grammar drills to help your students identify and correct common grammar mistakes. These interactive drills adapt to each student’s level to provide targeted practice.

2. Sentence Combining: Encourage students to practice combining sentences effectively by using NoRedInk’s sentence combining exercises. These exercises prompt students to rewrite sentences using different coordinating or subordinating conjunctions.

3. Peer Review: Engage your students in a peer review process using NoRedInk’s guided review feature. Students can provide constructive feedback on their classmates’ writing and learn from one another.

4. Thesis Statements: Teach students how to craft a strong thesis statement with the help of NoRedInk’s thesis building exercises.

5. Vocabulary Building: Help students enhance their vocabulary with NoRedInk’s synonym and antonym exercises, which encourage them to practice using new words in context.

6. Creative Writing Prompts: Inspire creativity among your middle schoolers with unique writing prompts available on the NoRedInk platform.

7. Argumentative Essays: Equip students with the skills needed to write persuasive argumentative essays using NoRedInk’s structured writing activities.

8. Revising vs. Editing: Teach the difference between revising and editing by assigning revision and editing exercises on NoRedInk.

9. Personal Narratives: Guide students through the process of crafting a personal narrative with annotated examples, prompts, and interactive activities on NoRedInk.

10. Identifying Author’s Purpose: Develop critical reading and writing skills by using NoRedInk exercises that challenge students to identify the author’s purpose in various texts.

11. Topic Sentences: Teach students how to write coherent topic sentences using NoRedInk’s interactive exercises, which provide instant feedback.

12. Paragraph Structure: Reinforce the importance of well-structured paragraphs with NoRedInk’s paragraph-building activities.

13. Parts of Speech: Use NoRedInk’s parts of speech exercises to teach your students about nouns, verbs, adjectives, and more—in a fun and interactive way!

14. Proofreading Practice: Encourage students to practice proofreading their own work using NoRedInk’s customizable error-detection passages.

15. Collaborative Writing: Foster collaboration among your middle schoolers with group writing assignments available on the NoRedInk platform.

By incorporating these 15 fun and free activities into your middle school writing lessons, you can make a lasting impact on your students’ writing abilities while creating an engaging learning environment. Give NoRedInk a try, and see the improvements in your students’ writing firsthand!