20 Old-School Recess Games Your Students Should Be Playing Now

When it comes to recess games, sometimes the old-school classics are the most fun for students. Here are 20 games that your students should be playing now:

  1. Tag: The timeless game of tag is simple yet exhilarating. Whether playing freeze tag or regular tag, students will love chasing and being chased.
  2. Duck, Duck, Goose: This game is an all-time favorite. Students sit in a circle and one person goes around tapping each classmate’s head, calling out “duck” or “goose.” The chosen “goose” then has to chase the tagger around the circle.
  3. Red Light, Green Light: A game of quick reflexes. One person is the “traffic light” and calls out “green light” or “red light.” Players can only move when the light is green, and if caught moving during a red light, they are out.
  4. Hopscotch: Set up a hopscotch grid on the ground with chalk and let students take turns hopping through the numbered squares. This game helps develop balance and coordination.
  5. Four Square: Create a large square divided into four smaller squares. Each player stands in one square, and they have to hit a ball into another player’s square to eliminate them. The goal is to move up to the top square.
  6. Tug of War: Divide students into two teams and have them pull against each other using a rope. The team that pulls the other team across the line wins.
  7. Capture the Flag: Split students into two teams and hide flags within each team’s territory. The goal is to capture the other team’s flag without getting caught.
  8. Jump Rope: Provide long jump ropes and let students show off their jump rope skills. They can try different jumps like single jumps, double jumps, and even jumping with a partner.
  9. Simon Says: One person is “Simon” and gives commands like “Simon says touch your nose.” Players have to follow the commands, but only if “Simon says” is said before.
  10. Hide and Seek: A classic game of hide and seek where one person counts while others hide. The seeker then tries to find everyone who is hiding.
  11. British Bulldog: One or two students start as the “bulldogs” in the middle, and the other students try to run from one side of the playing area to the other without getting caught.
  12. Musical Chairs: Set up chairs in a circle, with one less chair than the number of players. When the music plays, students walk around the chairs, and when the music stops, they have to find a chair to sit on. The one left without a chair is out.
  13. Hula Hooping: Provide hula hoops and let students try to keep the hoop up and spinning around their waist. They can also have fun trying different tricks.
  14. Kickball: Similar to baseball, but with a kick. Students take turns kicking the ball and running bases to score runs for their team.
  15. Dodgeball: Split students into two teams and set up a boundary. The objective is to hit players on the other team with soft dodgeballs while avoiding getting hit.
  16. Simon Sim Says: A variation of Simon Says where players have to do the opposite of what “Simon Sim” says. For example, if Simon Sim says “stand up,” players have to sit down.
  17. Hop Tag: A fun variation of tag where players have to hop on one leg. If they get tagged, they have to switch their hopping leg.
  18. Marble Games: Students can play various marble games like Marble Run, Marble Maze, or Marble Toss. These games improve hand-eye coordination.
  19. Cat and Mouse: One student is the “cat” and another is the “mouse.” The mouse tries to avoid getting caught by the cat, and if caught, becomes the new cat.
  20. Shadow Tag: Instead of physically tagging each other, players try to step on each other’s shadows to tag them. This game is perfect for sunny days.

Encourage your students to get outside, enjoy these old-school recess games, and have fun while staying active!