2023 Best and Worst Colleges for LBGTQ Students

Selecting the right college is a matter of personal preference, and many factors come into play when choosing a school. While academics are important, so is college life – the environment and cultural milieu in which students attend classes.

Most students, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual identification want to know they’ll be attending a university that will be safe. Some Lesbian Bisexual Gay Transgender Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) students have difficulties finding a school that accepts their lifestyle choices.

LGBTQ students may want to make a note of the best and worst colleges for students who are non-heterosexual or non-cisgender.

Best colleges for LGBTQ students

Universities that rank among the best institutions of higher education for LGBTQ students have one thing in common. These schools provide full support of their non-heterosexual, non-cisgender student population by allowing for the development of support groups, clubs, and mentors. In some cases, the resources even include campus housing for LGBTQ students.

  • Princeton University – This college addresses LGBTQ student needs with non-gendered restrooms, education panels, and cultural events.
  • Tufts University — LGBTQ students who attend Tufts, as well as the faculty, have plenty of resources including mentors, internships and scholarships, and cultural events designed to support them. This campus even includes LGBTQ housing choices.
  • University of Pennsylvania – This school offers a variety of support groups for LGBTQ students and encourages peer mentorships. This Ivy League school is considered the best college in the United States for LGBTQ students.

Worst colleges for LGBTQ students

More than one hundred colleges are considered among the worst for LGBTQ students, but a handful stands out because of their unwillingness to create a safe harbor for students with non-traditional sexual orientations and identities.

Many of the LGBTQ-unfriendly universities are Christian-based institutions.

  • College of the Ozarks – The college openly refuses to accept LGBTQ student behaviors based on philosophical beliefs aligned to the Bible.
  • Auburn University – Less than ten years ago, Auburn did not have a non-discrimination policy for LGBTQ students, making this school unfriendly for students.
  • University of Tennessee – This institution maintains the Pride Center for LGBTQ students, but has succumbed to political pressure to pull funding support for its operation.
  • Baylor University – Considered blatantly opposed to LGBTQ students, Baylor referenced homosexual acts as a violation of the student code of conduct as recently as 2015.

Colleges and universities willing to provide ample resources and support systems for LGBTQ students can attract an untapped market by aspiring to be one of the best colleges for the LGBTQ student population.

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