27 Ways to Spice Up a Faculty Meeting

When I was an educator, I hated faculty meetings. They were boring and often used to push out things that could be disseminated via email or memo. Also, if the time was used for professional development, it was usually something I was already well versed in. I often spent my time wishing I was somewhere else. As an education administrator, how can you change the narrative on faculty meetings? I am glad you asked. I found a fantastic graphic that lists 27 ways to spice up a faculty meeting. I hope this helps.

0 Replies to “27 Ways to Spice Up a Faculty Meeting”

  1. A colleague who ran weekly “PLC” meetings kept it to the point and used a rotation for teachers to research particular students in depth for review and discussion. It worked well.
    I like the structured mentoring. Teachers who would benefit the most are the most reluctant to ask for “help” when snark becomes a popular hors d’oeuvre.

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