7 Things an Educator Needs to Know about ELearning

ELearning is a very convenient and flexible method of teaching. Most educators are making the switch from physical schooling to online teaching because of this. 

However, the two forms of education are very different. This means that entering the world of virtual teaching requires quite a few changes. In this piece, we will be discussing 7 things that every educator should know about eLearning and teaching. 

Social Education is Crucial

One of the many significant disadvantages of eLearning is the lack of social interaction. However, there are the best ways in which educators can solve this problem. 

For example, a Pedagogue app can hold virtual classes with learners via video conference calls and audio chats. Educators can use the app to share resources with other educators, creating more community in the classroom. 

Social education teaches learners collaboration and communication skills, which are both incredibly essential in the real world. 

Learners Have Different Learning Needs

There are multiple learning styles that each require different teaching methods. For example, some learners prefer verbal lessons, meaning they will retain information best when directly described to them via the educator. 

For this reason, educators will have to try to incorporate a little bit of everything into their lessons for the benefit of all the different types of learning styles. 

There are Lots of Teaching Resources Available

As we have mentioned, there are several learning styles. Some learners learn best via visual presentations, although others prefer audio lessons. If you wish to provide inclusive lessons to your learners, you should use the most teaching materials possible. For example, for the learners that prefer visual presentations, you could teach a section using a YouTube video or a PowerPoint. 

Goals are Necessary for ELearning

ELearning can be difficult without goals. For this reason, educators should encourage learners to set goals for themselves to stay motivated and productive in their studies. They should also be aware of these aspirations so that they can monitor the progress of learners. 

Learners Can Easily Become Unmotivated

It is difficult to stay motivated when you feel alone in your studies, which is a common problem with eLearning. Educators should be aware of this issue so that they can find ways around it. For example, educators could hold question and answer sessions with the learners. This process will allow them to discuss any issues they may have. Educators could also provide constructive feedback for the pupils based on their results in exams and assignments.

Tech Does Not Always Work 

We all have experienced internet failures or tech malfunctions at least once in our lives. Unfortunately, this problem can affect eLearning, and educators need to be aware of this. There is not much that educators can do about tech failures, but learners will feel much more comfortable if their educators understand these sorts of issues. Educators must also ensure that they save the work missed by pupils that experience technical difficulties. 

Cheating Should be Monitored

ELearning exams and tests are a lot easier to cheat on if learners are not closely monitored. There are numerous ways in which educators can ensure that learners do not cheat on assignments. For example, learners could complete their exams while connected via a video conference call. This will ensure that they do not use textbooks or other learning materials.


ELearning is very different from physical schooling, and there are a few things that educators should know about this form of education. For starters, the social aspect of education is quite essential. 

Learners have several learning styles, and most teaching materials should be used during classes. Learners should be encouraged to set goals for themselves to stay motivated. Lastly, it is essential to note that tech does not always work as we study online.