7 Ways to Get Retrieval Practice Right

Retrieval practice is a highly effective learning strategy that can help students improve their recall of information and retain information for the long-term. Retrieval practice involves retrieving information from memory rather than simply reading or re-studying the information. Here are seven ways to get retrieval practice right:

  1. Start small: When starting with retrieval practice, it’s important to gradually increase the difficulty level. This will help build confidence and prevent frustration.
  • Mix it up: Using various retrieval practice techniques, such as flashcards, quizzes, and writing exercises, can help prevent boredom and increase the effectiveness of the practice.
  • Space it out: Spacing out retrieval practice sessions over time can help solidify the information in long-term memory. This is known as the spacing effect.
  • Test yourself: Regularly testing yourself on the information you want to retain is one of the most effective ways to use retrieval practice. You can use quizzes, flashcards, or self-made tests.
  • Get feedback: Feedback on your performance is important for improving and monitoring progress. This can be self-feedback, feedback from a peer, or feedback from a teacher or mentor.
  • Be active: Engage with the information in a hands-on, active way. For example, you could create flashcards, summarize information in your own words, or draw diagrams.
  • Personalize it: Make retrieval practice personal by tailoring it to your learning style and needs. For example, some students may find writing information down more effective, while others prefer using flashcards or quizzes.

In conclusion, retrieval practice is a powerful learning strategy that can help students improve their recall of information and retain information for the long-term. By starting small, mixing it up, spacing it out, testing yourself, getting feedback, being active, and personalizing it, you can make the most of retrieval practice and achieve better learning outcomes.