9 Ground Rules for Great Principals


A principal is an educational leader who can have a profound impact on students, teachers, and the school community. Great principals foster a nurturing environment, inspire their staff, and lead by example to create a lasting impact. To be an effective principal, it is essential to follow certain ground rules that ensure success in this vital role.

1. Create a positive school culture

An outstanding principal prioritizes building a strong, positive culture within the school. Promote team spirit, collaboration, respect, and open communication to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

2. Set high expectations

Great principals expect excellence from the entire school community – both from students and staff. When high expectations are set for all stakeholders, people tend to rise to the occasion and work harder to achieve their goals.

3. Maintain open communication

Transparency in communication is essential for creating trust between students, teachers, parents, and the administration. Encourage dialogue and feedback in decision-making processes to help improve overall school resources and identify issues or areas that need attention.

4. Empower teachers

Empower your teaching staff by providing them with ample opportunities for professional development. Show appreciation for their hard work, celebrate success stories, and foster an environment where they feel comfortable sharing ideas and taking risks.

5. Keep student well-being at the forefront

The health and well-being of students should always be the primary focus of every principal. Ensuring access to appropriate support services such as guidance counselors or tutors is crucial in creating an inclusive environment that meets the diverse needs of learners.

6. Engage with the community

Building relationships with the local community is paramount for any successful principal. Attend community events, reach out to local businesses or organizations for partnerships, and involve parents in school activities to foster stronger connections between the school and its surroundings.

7. Develop a strategic plan

Having a strategic plan helps guide decision-making within a school. Setting clear objectives and milestones for the short and long term provides a roadmap for success and drives continuous improvement.

8. Encourage innovation and creativity

Creating an environment that encourages innovation and creative solutions is essential in today’s ever-changing educational landscape. Inspire staff and students to think outside the box, adapt to new technologies, and remain committed to continued learning.

9. Stay current with educational trends

An effective principal is always learning and evolving. Keep up to date with the latest educational trends, research, and best practices by attending conferences or workshops, reading professional journals, and participating in online discussions or communities.


In summary, great principals embrace a multifaceted approach to school leadership by creating a positive school culture, setting high expectations, maintaining open communication, empowering teachers, focusing on student well-being, engaging with the community, developing strategic plans, encouraging innovation, and staying current with educational trends. By adhering to these nine ground rules, principals can effectively guide their schools towards success and create an environment where everyone thrives.