Shark jokes for kids

Sharks are one of the most fascinating creatures of the ocean, but they can also be quite scary to people who don’t understand them. However, these carnivorous fish can also be hilarious with their gummy smiles, playful personalities and fishy puns. If your kids love ocean creatures and funny jokes, then this article is for them! Here are some of the best shark jokes that will make them laugh, teach them a few things about sharks, and maybe even get them excited for their next visit to the aquarium.

  1. What do you call a shark that can play a musical instrument?

A jamming shark!

  1. Why did the shark cross the road?

To get to the other tide.

  1. What kind of shark is always late?

A procrastinator shark.

  1. Why did the shark go to the dentist?

Because he had a fin-ache!

  1. How do you know if there’s a shark in your swimming pool?

You’ll see a fin sticking out of the water

  1. What did the baby shark say when he bumped his head?

Oh, shell!

  1. Why don’t sharks like to eat clowns?

Because they taste funny!

  1. What do you get when you cross a shark and a snowman?

Frost bite!

  1. Why did the shark get into trouble at school?

Because he was caught chewing gum in class.

  1. What do you call a shark that’s always singing?

A tuneful shark.

  1. What does a shark wear to bed?


  1. What do you do if you see a shark?

Swim away as fast as you can, but not too fast as it might mistake you for a tasty fish.

Whether your kids are fascinated by sharks or just love to joke around, these puns will give them a good laugh and a few fishy facts to contemplate. From silly puns to clever jokes, these shark jokes are sure to be a hit at the dinner table, playground or even in the classroom. So the next time you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your kids about marine life, try out some of these shark jokes!