Best HBCU for Future Writers

Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) offer unique and valuable experiences for students seeking higher education with an emphasis on African American culture, community, and support. Aspiring writers who want to develop their creative and critical skills in a diverse and inspiring environment may find the perfect home in one of the country’s best HBCUs for future writers. Here are some top contenders worth considering:

Howard University

Howard University in Washington, D.C. has long been recognized as a top HBCU for writers and other creatives. The university’s Department of English and African American Studies program offer a range of courses in literature, creative writing, journalism, film, and more, taught by award-winning faculty with impressive publishing and media credits. Howard’s student-run literary magazine, The Amistad, regularly publishes student work and hosts events and readings that showcase emerging voices.

Spelman College

Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, is an all-women’s HBCU renowned for empowering women of color to become leaders in various fields, including writing and literature. Spelman’s English and Comparative Literature Department offers a rigorous curriculum that explores literature from around the world, with an emphasis on the African diaspora. Students can take courses in creative writing, playwriting, and film studies, and benefit from mentorship and networking opportunities with distinguished writers and scholars.

Fisk University

Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, is a small, private HBCU with a strong liberal arts tradition that celebrates African American heritage and culture. Fisk’s Department of English and Modern Languages offers a BA in English with a concentration in writing that exposes students to diverse literary traditions and helps them hone their craft through workshops, seminars, and experiential learning. Fisk also hosts an annual spring writers’ conference that attracts notable authors, editors, and publishers.

North Carolina A&T State University

North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, North Carolina, is a comprehensive HBCU that combines academic excellence with a commitment to social justice and community engagement. A&T’s Department of English and Liberal Studies provides students with a broad education in humanities and writing, as well as opportunities to specialize in creative writing, technical writing, or professional writing. A&T students regularly participate in writing contests and conferences, and have access to internships and mentorship programs with local media outlets and creative agencies.

Spelman College

Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, is a private HBCU that prides itself on its strong writing and communication programs. Hampton’s Department of English and Foreign Languages offers a BA in English with concentrations in creative writing, journalism, and literature. Students can gain real-world experience through internships with local newspapers, magazines, and public relations firms, and participate in the prestigious Writers’ Workshop, which brings renowned writers to campus for readings and workshops.


Choosing an HBCU that matches your writing interests, career goals, and personal values can be a life-changing decision that opens up new opportunities and networks for your future as a writer. These five HBCUs are just a sample of the many wonderful institutions that support and nurture aspiring writers of color. By exploring their websites, visiting their campuses, and talking to current students and faculty, you can find your own best HBCU for future writers.