A Teacher’s Guide to Working With IT Staff


In today’s technology-driven world, teachers and IT staff play critical roles in the educational landscape. IT staff ensures that the technology infrastructure, devices, and services required for efficient teaching and learning are in place and functional. As a teacher, knowing how to work effectively with your school’s IT staff can not only make your job easier but also improve the overall learning experience for your students. This article provides a practical guide to help teachers establish productive relationships with their school’s IT staff.

1. Understand Your IT Staff’s Roles and Responsibilities

Knowing what your IT staff is responsible for can help you set realistic expectations about their capacity and availability to assist with your needs. While specific responsibilities may vary greatly depending on the size and structure of your school, some common roles include:

– System administrators

– Network administrators

– Technical support specialists

– Educational technologists

2. Communicate Effectively

Clear communication is vital when working with your school’s IT staff. When making a request or reporting an issue, it’s important to:

– Be specific: Clearly describe the problem you are experiencing or the help you need

– Be concise: Your message should be brief yet informative

– Use appropriate terminology: This will help avoid confusion or misinterpretations

3. Plan Ahead

Understand that IT professionals handle many tasks and projects daily. If you know that you will need their assistance or face technology-related challenges in the future, communicate your needs well in advance to ensure proper planning.

4. Learn Basic Troubleshooting Skills

IT staff appreciate teachers who actively try to solve minor technical issues before requesting assistance. Learn simple troubleshooting techniques such as restarting devices or checking cables – it might save both parties time and effort.

5. Show Gratitude

Appreciate the hard work and efforts of your school’s IT staff by expressing gratitude when they assist you with any issue or concern. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in building positive working relationships.

6. Attend Technology Trainings

Many schools offer technology training sessions for teachers to learn about new tools, devices, or software. Attend these training sessions to increase your knowledge and enhance your technical skills.

7. Collaborate with Educational Technologists

Educational technologists can be a valuable resource for teachers. They can assist you in finding innovative ways to integrate technology into your lessons, ensuring that your approach aligns with curriculum goals and learning objectives.

8. Be Patient

It’s crucial to understand that IT staff have many responsibilities and often manage multiple requests simultaneously. If they haven’t addressed your issue immediately, be patient and trust that they are working on it.


Establishing a positive relationship with your school’s IT staff can result in countless benefits for both you and your students. By following this guide, you will not only foster strong partnerships but also contribute to effective educational experiences rooted in contemporary technology trends.