African Americans Essay Topics

African Americans Essay Topics

  1. Anthropology of African Americans
  2. African Americans in American Correctional Institutions
  3. African Americans: Slavery’s Outcomes in the U.S.A.
  4. Review of African American Literary works
  5. African American Heritage and Traditions from Different Different perspectives
  6. Characterization of Ethnic Origin and Race Among African Americans
  7. African American Civil Rights Activism
  8. Significance of Jim Crow, Segregation, and Black Codes on African Americans in the United States
  9. African Americans as They Are Depicted in the Film “Crash”
  10. The Ethnic Group of African Americans
  11. African Americans and Latinos, Are They Allies or Enemies?
  12. The Courting Traditions between African Americans and Caucasian Americans
  13. The Progression of African Americans From 1865 to 2011
  14. The Fight for Racial Equality by African American Women
  15. What Are the Impacts of Alcohol on African American Teenagers?
  16. The Battle of African Americans Against Discrimination and Exclusion
  17. Domestic Abuse in the Community of African Americans
  18. Socioeconomic Disparities Between Whites, Asian Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans in the United States
  19. Prevalence of HIV/AIDS among African Americans
  20. Significance of Religion to African Americans
  21. What Role does the Church Play in African American Society?
  22. A Population Health Evaluation of Brooklyn’s African Americans
  23. Environmental Justice Problems Affecting African Americans: Water Pollution
  24. Addiction to Prescription Drugs Among African American Male Adolescents
  25. The Struggle of the Minority Ethnic Groups: African Americans and Hispanics
  26. The Discrimination and Bigotry of African Americans
  27. The Ancestry of African Americans
  28. African American Perception of Race-Based Injustice and the Expense of the Civil War
  29. African American Theatrical Works
  30. The African American Shift: Its Nature and Development From 1850 to 1915
  31. Role of Ethnicity, Gender, and Location on the Structure and Progression of the African American Ordeals Between 1860 and 1915
  32. Background of African Americans in Politics
  33. The Backgrounds of Japanese Americans and African Americans
  34. Literary Works and Traversties in African American Culture
  35. Immigration and Racial Relations Among African Americans
  36. Historical Record of African Americans
  37. An Assessment of African American Vernacular English

Essay Topics on African Americans

  1. African Americans in Society are viewed as “Others” or “Outsiders.”
  2. Conceptual Processes in African American Civilization
  3. An Intervention Plan for African Americans with Coronary Heart Disease
  4. African Americans Who Fought in the American Revolution
  5. The Role of Miles Davis in African American Music
  6. Racial and Ethnic Bias Against African Americans
  7. Teaching African American Students to Read
  8. Challenges Facing African Americans in the Education System
  9. African Americans’ Involvement in Clinical Trials
  10. Writers of African American Descent
  11. The Demonstrations by African American Women Writers
  12. A Reduction in African Americans’ Health Inequities
  13. African American Women’s Efforts in the Civil Rights Movement
  14. The Family and Community of African Americans
  15. The Relevance of African American History Today
  16. 21st Century Issues Involving African Americans
  17. The African American Service Members in the Vietnam War
  18. The Media’s Portrayal of African Americans
  19. The Maasai and African American Customs as Co-Cultures
  20. African Americans in the Revolutionary War
  21. Unfair Prison Sentences of African American Men
  22. Langston Hughes’s Poems on African Americans
  23. Misconceptions of African Americans in Editorial Cartoons
  24. Intervention Strategies for African Americans with Cardiovascular Diseases
  25. The Background of African American Higher Education
  26. African American Art of the Harlem Renaissance
  27. African Americans’ Awareness of Breast Cancer
  28. What Are the Effects of Obesity on African American Youth?
  29. Awareness Curriculum on Type 2 Diabetes for African Americans
  30. Peripheral Vascular Disease in Women of African American Origin
  31. Primary and Secondary Impacts of Obesity on African American Children
  32. The Identity of the African American Woman
  33. A Health Issues Case of an African American Woman
  34. Standards of Vernacular Spoken by African Americans
  35. The Unemployment Rate of African Americans: A 2014 review
  36. The laws of Jim Crow for African Americans in the South
  37. History, Sociology Psychology of the African American Sociology
  38. The Contribution of Robert R. Moton’s to African American Heritage

Fascinating African Americans Topics to Write about

  1. The thoughts of Du Bois and George Washington on African Americans
  2. The Criminal Discrimination Against African Americans
  3. African Americans’ Oppression and Stereotypes
  4. Management of Hypertension in African Americans
  5. African American Historical Figures: Malcolm X and King Jr.
  6. Consequences of Hypertension on the African American Demography
  7. African American men in New York Suffering From prostate cancer
  8. The Health Condition of a Teenage African American Patient
  9. HIV prevalence among African American women
  10. HIV Testing: A Case of African American women
  11. The Continuation of African American Literature Roundup
  12. African American Family Theory in Politics
  13. African American Family in the Feature Film “Soul Food”
  14. Foundation of an African American Family Culture
  15. The Effects of Economic hardship on Communities of African Americans
  16. History of African Americans after Remodeling
  17. 20th Century African American Historiography
  18. Greek Fraternities for African Americans in Institutions
  19. African American Studies and History of Racism
  20. Religious Organizations of African Americans in the US
  21. The Media’s Present-Day Representation of African Americans
  22. The Traditions of African Americans and Irish Tap Dancing
  23. History of African Americans: The Fight for Independence
  24. Stress Levels Among African American College Students
  25. An Approach To Management of Diabetes: Through Education for African American Women
  26. The Implications of Hurricane Katrina on African Americans
  27. Reasons for Heart Disease in African American Women.
  28. Managing Heart Disease in the Kings County, New York, African American Society
  29. Higher Education for African American Males
  30. The Two Movements of the African American Community
  31. Mexican Americans and African Americans: Representation of a Diverse Culture
  32. African American Families and the Underground Railroad Network
  33. The Socioeconomic Divide Among African Americans and the Famous “Whiteness Privilege”
  34. African American Arbitrators Work in the Negro Leagues
  35. The Defense Put Together by the enslaved African Americans
  36. Sentiments of African American leaders on the Vietnam War
  37. The Gender Dynamics and Slavery Encounter of African American Women
  38. Commercial Interpretation of African Americans

African Americans Essay Titles

  1. Stressors That African American Students Face
  2. African American Studies: Local Movements for Women
  3. African American Culture and The Harlem Renaissance
  4. The Tradition of Humanism. African Americans and Women’s Fight
  5. African Americans’ Involvement in the Fight to End Slavery Under Lincoln
  6. Influence of African American Authors’ Philosophies
  7. Infant Mortality Rates Among Mostly African Americans
  8. The Story of Mohammed Ali Clay in Relation to African Americans
  9. Prejudice of African Americans as Depicted in the Media
  10. Hispanics and African Americans in New Jersey
  11. The Effects of Imprisonment on African American Families
  12. Distrust Issues Among African Americans Concerning the Government: A Conspiracy Theory
  13. African American Lynching History: An Outrageous Illegal Justice System in the Nineteenth Century
  14. The Situation of African Americans: Sources and Repercussions
  15. Independent African Americans and the Status of Women
  16. African American Literary Works on Individuality
  17. African Americans and Hispanics in Florida: Social Codes and Attributes
  18. African Americans and Tuberculosis: a Cultural and Medical Study
  19. How Has Slavery Affected African Americans’ Homes and Lives?
  20. The African Composition of American Workers Between 1900 and 1960
  21. The Empirical Studies of African Americans
  22. African Americans During the Spanish-American Battle
  23. An American Poet of African Descent: Gwendolyn Brooks
  24. Perceptions of African Americans: Their Roots and Sources
  25. The Historical Significance of 1776 in African American history
  26. In “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” did Stowe Portray African Americans in a Racist Manner?
  27. ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ Racist Expression of African Americans
  28. Pidgin English Use Among African Americans
  29. “The Grief and Oppression of an African American Woman from “The Color Purple”
  30. The Impact of Health Care Reform on Immigrants, the Poor, and African Americans
  31. African American Authors’ Writings About the American South
  32. The Contemporary Racist Materials: An Integration of African Americans
  33. African American Studies: Defending Liberties
  34. Achievements for African Americans in Civil And Human Rights
  35. The Conservative Era of African American Politicians
  36. An Overview of Weight Gain and Obesity Among African Americans
  37. Frederick Douglass’ “The Heroic Slave,” a Work of African American Literature