Argumentative Essay Topics for Elementary Students

Argumentative essays are an important part of learning for elementary students. They help children develop critical thinking skills and learn to express their opinions clearly and effectively. However, choosing the right topic can be challenging, especially for young children. Here is a list of some argumentative essay topics for elementary students that can help them develop their writing skills.

1. Should dogs be allowed in public places?

Some people believe that dogs should not be allowed in public places, such as restaurants or parks. However, others argue that dogs can be well-behaved and enhance the experience of being in public places. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not dogs should be allowed in public places and provide evidence to support their opinion.

2. Should students be allowed to bring their pets to school?

Many children love their pets and would like to bring them to school. However, some people believe that this is not appropriate. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not students should be allowed to bring their pets to school and provide reasons to support their opinion.

3. Should children have access to social media?

Social media is becoming increasingly popular among young children. However, many parents and educators are concerned about the impact it can have on children’s mental health and safety. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not children should have access to social media and provide evidence to support their opinion.

4. Should children be required to wear school uniforms?

The debate over school uniforms has been ongoing for many years. Some people believe that school uniforms promote a sense of community and equality among students, while others argue that they restrict children’s freedom of expression. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not children should be required to wear school uniforms and provide reasons to support their opinion.

5. Should children be allowed to have cell phones?

Cell phones have become an essential part of our daily lives. However, many parents and educators are concerned about the negative effects they can have on children’s development and safety. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not children should be allowed to have cell phones and provide evidence to support their opinion.

6. Should junk food be banned from schools?

Many schools have banned junk food from their premises to promote healthy eating habits among students. However, some people argue that this is a violation of children’s freedom of choice. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not junk food should be banned from schools and provide reasons to support their opinion.

7. Should children be allowed to choose their own bedtime?

Many parents enforce strict bedtimes for their children in order to ensure that they get an appropriate amount of sleep. However, some children argue that they should be allowed to decide when they want to go to bed. Students can write an argumentative essay on whether or not children should be allowed to choose their own bedtime and provide evidence to support their opinion.

In conclusion, argumentative essays are a great way for elementary students to develop their writing skills and critical thinking abilities. These topics can help children become more aware of their surroundings and form opinions on important issues affecting their lives.