Assistive Technology for Reading

Reading is a skill that is essential for success in life. Almost everyone needs to read to function in society. However, for people with disabilities, reading can be challenging. There are a variety of assistive technologies (AT) that can help people with reading disabilities achieve success.

One of the most common assistive technologies for people with reading disabilities is a magnifier. A magnifier helps people see the text on a page more clearly. It can also be used to enlarge printed text. Magnifiers are available in a variety of sizes and styles. Some people attach a magnifier to their reading glasses, while others carry a magnifier in a case.

There are also electronic reading devices (ERDs) that help people with reading disabilities read text. ERDs are handheld devices that display text on a screen. They are similar to smartphones, but they have larger screens. ERDs can be used to read books, newspapers, and other printed materials.

People with reading disabilities can also use screen readers. Screen readers help people with disabilities access the contents of websites, emails, and other digital content. They work by reading the text aloud. Screen readers are available in a variety of languages, and they can be used with any type of computer.

People with reading disabilities don’t have to give up reading altogether. There are a variety of assistive technologies available that can make reading easier. If you are a person with a reading disability, be sure to look for these technologies and use them to improve your reading experience.