Assistive Technology to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed Academically

Learning disabilities can affect students in a variety of ways, ranging from difficulty with reading to struggles with basic math problems. These issues can be difficult to sort through for students and teachers alike. With help, students can still succeed academically whether they have dyslexia, dyscalculia, or one of the other disabilities. Assistive technology can offer the support each student needs to help them become more proficient in the classroom.

Educators can help students to reach their potential by implementing some of these assistive technologies in the classroom. They can help to minimize the deficits some children experience as a result of their learning disability.

Speech-to-Text Software

Students with learning disabilities often struggle to communicate with their words on paper. This can negatively impact their grades, particularly when it comes to essays. While they might have a firm grasp on the concept, it doesn’t show through when they attempt to commit those ideas to paper. The speech-to-text software can make this a little easier for students who have a language-based processing disability. They can say what they want to write out loud while their computer does the rest of the work for them. Software like this is often built into computers and tablets upon purchase.

Text-to-Speech Software

Similar to the speech-to-text option, students with learning disabilities might benefit from having the text read out loud to them. Teachers don’t always have the time and ability to read each worksheet aloud, particularly if it will need repeated multiple times. Students can take control of their own learning with text-to-speech software that will read anything they need. Some programs like Voice Dream allow students to read Microsoft documents, PDFs, and other formats. They might also allow you to rewind the reading and control the reading speed.

Talking Calculators

Students with learning disabilities like dyscalculia might be able to benefit from a talking calculator. These devices read the numbers and symbols out loud which could help improve comprehension. Hearing the numbers makes it easier for students to organize them and verify whether the numbers are accurate before filling the answer in on the worksheet.

Audiobook Software

Reading is a normal part of the curriculum in every classroom, but it can be very challenging for students with learning disabilities. Instead of mandating that all students read a particular novel, you might want to give children an option to listen to the audiobook. Subscription services such as Audible give kids the ability to hear these books read out loud to them. This gives them the opportunity to study the same materials as the rest of the class but in a format that works better for them.

Educators can help support students with learning disabilities with the right form of assistive technology. Consider what the specific learning disability of your students might be, and then make the best decision about what will work for them. This is a great way to motivate them to learn more and ease some of their frustration with school. With a great support system, children with learning disabilities can definitely succeed academically.

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